1st timer with an ambitious idea, opinions VERY welcome


New Member
1st- Mad respect to you brave folks. Bullshit laws forced you underground, but a wonderful result is that I find you good people to be pioneering the agricultural techniques of our future. So, kudo's! :peace:

2nd- This is a vegetable grow, in an established greenhouse (temp controlled all year round), so noise and energy consumption / production isn't a concern. So don't worry about any of that.

our product can exist of ambient light, but straight line floursecents is all thats needed for big production, so Im all good on the lights. I currently use an organic soil I compost on location, but I am thinking of trying out an aeroponic system. Probably going to be a bit bigger than average, as stealth isn't an issue.

One stipulation the reader can keep in mind. I can't be "labelled" organic in my state unless its grown in soil, but I would still like to use an organic tea I will brew on location as fert, which can be filtered of course, but will always be bigger than chem nutes. So, if a larger micron / less likely to clog nozzle can come into play, i am willing to spend the extra cash.

The plan for a single "unit" will be (6) 8 foot by 8 foot tables. 64 square feet of "root zone" to cover per table, hopefully each table will be identical. Our produce is babygreens, with tiny roots, dropping only 6 inches or so, so we would like to have our chambers 1 foot deep. We can adjust this if there is a good reason, I am all ears, but If i can get a spray ratio idea necessary to judge how many nozzles I might need, any thoughts would be appreciated. I have it at like 50 nozzles per 8' x 8' x 1' "chamber"

If I may be specific with the help, idea's and suggestions that would benefit me most, I would like to ask for nozzles I should check out, that would work well with an aeroponics organic nute grow.

I would also like help with a direction to research on finding out what kind of system would be best here. I kind of like a hi-pressure system like AeroJunkies. The level of control seems preferable. Can get it "just right", right?

Love with compressors, suggestions on lines / hoses (i would prefer hard lines to hose), nozzles and reservoir sizes (per table or for all 6 tables) would be GREATLY appreciated.

Im not trying to throw money away, but I would prefer to build it right and get an accurite look at the potential of the system, so I would prefer "better" over "cheaper".

Thanks, and Love.


New Member
I should also add that the table chambers will drain to collect in a joint feed, drain reservoir, unless this is suggested against.