1st try 6 weeks in Northern Lights


Flowering for almost 6 weeks now. My 1st try so the leaves don't look great but the buds are looking nice. Heavy enough the plant falls over without support. This is a DWC grow with 400+ watts mixed spectrum cfls over this plant and 3 smaller plants that just started flowering. Using the Lucas Formula and this girl drinks about a gallon of water daily.



Well-Known Member
Flowering for almost 6 weeks now. My 1st try so the leaves don't look great but the buds are looking nice. Heavy enough the plant falls over without support. This is a DWC grow with 400+ watts mixed spectrum over this plant and 3 smaller plants that just started flowering. Using the Lucas Formula and this girl drinks about a gallon of water daily.

nice job for a first run


your growing like a pro
Thanks but I wouldnt go that far. Ive had my share of problems and it just makes me want to hurry and finish this grow so I can take my knowledge from experience and use it on my next grow.

My leaves look like shit IMO and my nutes regiment took a while to perfect.