2 1/2 weeks into flower....major problems!!!!


Active Member
So I'm 2.5 weeks into flower and my big beauty is starting to slowly die away! (Btw I'm on my phone will post pics when I get to pc!)

90w tri spec ufo
120w 2700k cfl(side lighting)
14w sunshine led(side lighting)
Co2 cultivator
All in a mylar reflective tent

Nutes:(in a 1 gallon jug)
Botanicare bloom pro
1tsp Espom salt
Ph of 6.5

I was foliar feeding but I'm DONE with that...ph was always changing

So....my tallest plant of the 2 "a" is yellowing and browning all the way up the plant and I fear without intervention soon it will die. I was following the botanicare feeding instructions on the back I started at 5ml the 1st week when the 2nd week came I forgot to up the nutes as instructed from 5ml to 12ml(yes that's .5 the reccommended dose) I was thinking at 1st maybe a npk defficency but I'm really not too sure now and don't know what I should do PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!

Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
pics please.

It may just need to be fed more. .5 strength nutes 2x will do but if it is a hungry strain it may be wanting more.

pics before you do anything please.


Active Member

I was foliar feeding 1x per week with botanicare pro grow again .5 strength but the p.h. kept going crazy in the spray bottle so I stopped, last foliar feed was 3 days ago. the bottle did say to use the botanicare pro grow but i was told by someone on here not to worry about it....haha


From the looks of it id say a Mag(MG) deficient find out whats in your Nuts. i know the ones i use CES in the three part has very little and this occurs if you don't get a additive which the make (MAG AMP) go get some CAL-MAG or research online for mixing ratios of epsom salt for a foliar spray.


Well-Known Member

in a 1 gallon jug)
Botanicare bloom pro
1tsp Espom salt
Ph of 6.5

How much nutes in the gallon ? Looks like its time to up that feed. They seem to be budding a lot for 2.5 weeks !!!
Have u increased the feed? P & K for eg?



Well-Known Member
I would have to say it looks like another case of too small of pots for a flowering plant. Now it will flower in a small pot don't get me wrong, but the chances of getting root-bound and locking out nutrients are very high at this point and that looks like what is going on. You are deficient in N...I'm sure its in the soil but its locked out and from the looks of those brown edges it looks like a micro-nutrient deficiency. You also mentioned you foliar fed. Bad idea during flower...makes for yucky tasting buds and you stand a high chance of frying the leaves if you spray them while they are under lights. I feel like I have mentioned this in previous threads a few dozen times but the thing to do is let the soil dry, pull the root-ball up out of the pot carefully and inspect the roots, if root-bound flush then transplant into a 5 gallon bucket with fresh soil and a low N content(if it has alot of N in it flush the new soil with alot of ph'd water before you transplant and let dry just a few hours under the lights), soil less mix like pro mix will work the best. Now only add your bloom and micro nutes and your bloom boosters from there on out with 1/4 cup of H202 per gallon to help the roots take in more oxygen. You can even add in a tbsp of grandma's molasses to the gallon too. Don't add the epsom salts in every feeding. Use that once every two weeks or so. Every time I have had a problem like this these steps cured the problem and saved the budz. Your old growth will still look like crap but your new growth should be lush and green and your budz will love you very much in the end. Some will say its not advised to transplant during flower but the harm that is done from a root bound nute locked out flowering plant is more if you leave it than if you transplant it in my experience. You might want to invest in an additive that reduces transplant shock or add in 2 drops of superthrive to your first feed if you need to transplant. Good luck!


Active Member
I just flushed her in the tub about an hour ago...lots of nutes came out (yellowish runoff) flushed until it was clear. she is now back under the lights. waited a few hours then fed at 1/2 strength. so you think I should transplant? do you think this flush could help at all? maybe give it a few days then transplant if this flushing doesn't help? Also I go by the back of the label for feeding week 2-3 it says use 20ml of bloom for one gallon of water and so on. DSC00519.jpgDSC00520.jpgDSC00521.jpg


Well-Known Member
You can't transplant if the soil is soaking. In the meantime u can remove 50% or more damaged leaves, they're a waste of energy.


Well-Known Member
Your leaf tips are burnt...so it is nute burn...sometimes what is a good amount of nitrogen for veg, is too much for flower, and this can happen in early flower...if you do nothing but keep on keeping on feeding light bloom nutes it will clear up on it's own..but if you go dumping salt on it, I assure you it will only get worse...Newer users always say it is a magnesium deficiency, but unless you are using distilled or RO water, then you don't have a calmag issue...they are actually pretty rare...So ditch the epsom salt and just give tap water...lol


Well-Known Member
Your leaf tips are burnt...so it is nute burn...sometimes what is a good amount of nitrogen for veg, is too much for flower, and this can happen in early flower...if you do nothing but keep on keeping on feeding light bloom nutes it will clear up on it's own..but if you go dumping salt on it, I assure you it will only get worse...Newer users always say it is a magnesium deficiency, but unless you are using distilled or RO water, then you don't have a calmag issue...they are actually pretty rare...So ditch the epsom salt and just give tap water...lol
YEP!!!! thats the best advise you will get!