2-3 weeks left in flowering and i have Green catapillers HELP

So my 1st grow outside....8 outdoor plants have 2-3 weeks left for flowering....moby dick, white rhino,blue dream, afghan kush to be exact.It has been heavy rain for the past 2 days in my area so i have been going out frequently to shake off the water,the plants are so tall i had to get a step ladder to get up and shake the tops off.When i went up to shake them i noticed some brown gooey looking things that looked like tiny poop on a few of the buds.I then noticed a large green catapiller right next to it.....checked around some more of the large colas and found a few more....WHAT DO I DO? Is my crop still ok with them and i will just have to pick them off or should i spray then with something or is it too late to spray.Any help would be greatly appreciated im freaking out!!


Well-Known Member
its never to late to spray. get some neem oil. or mighty wash. I prefer neem oil. it will make the plant taste horrible to the bugs. they will not want to eat it. they crop is never gone unless the bugs eat it all. follow the directions on the neem. if you can get the oil. then you can wash them with dish soap. will slow bugs down. and yes pick off the ones you see, strongly suggest getting neem oil you can eat it and smoke it, no effects on human health. organic. also worst case you could find fish oil. use that a teaspoon per gallon.


Well-Known Member
You have bud worms and need BT like yesterday.

BT=Bacillus Thuringiensis

It is a bacillus that only affects caterpillars, harmless to everything else. They ingest it, it locks up their gut and they starve to death.

HD or Lowes will have it. Thurincide, Safer's Caterpillar Killer are just a couple. I get the concentrate, but it's not as easy to locate as the pre mixed stuff.

I've used it for over 30 years, works great.
