2-400's or 1-1000 ???


Well-Known Member
Quick question.
If you had a 10x10 flowering room, would you rather have one 1000watt HPS or two 400watt HPS's?
I know the standard Lumen's for a 1000watter is about 140,000 to 150,000 and the standard for 400watters is about 45,000-55,000.
So strictly by lumens it is a no brainer. Go with the 1,000. I have seen great success with 400 watters due to the greater coverage due to having 2 lights instead of one.
I was thinking the best way would be the 1,000 watter with maybe some sidelights mounted vertically (Maybe some CFL's?)?

Let me know what you think,



Well-Known Member
I dont recommend growing in an exposed room, get a cabinet and make a nice setup.. but if you must.. use 2 400's, the extra 200W will do nothing but raise your bill.. but my setup it all in a cabinet with a bat wing and it works amazingly


Well-Known Member
I agree operate on a small space ideal. I may not end up with as much when I harvest but I can get all I need (never gonna have to buy weed again hopefully.)


Well-Known Member
This new bulb is what u want, i am using it now and it is unreal..1000 watt ballast. Solarmax1 bulb (400mh & 600hps in one bulb) my plants are 4 weeks old..two days into flowering 12-16 inches tall. do a searh for this bulb u wont regret it.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Its gonna depend on how much you plan on growing.If your doing a wide area in the room you may need to just go the 2 400 watt lights to get better coverage.If youe doing a small grow 4 x 4 ft the 100 would be fine too.the 1000 watt will penetrate deeper into the foilage but will run the bill up more.I am using a 100 watt mh on my mommies to keep them going but am going to now drop it to a 400 watt light to keep them going( 5 moms).They grow fast with the 1000 watt light and I am going to use a combo of light but think I have decided to retire my 1000 watt light after this last grow and use either my 400 watt lights or maybe sell them all and get me 4 600 watt switchable setups.If you use a grown tent in the room go with the 2 400 watts as the 1000 watt will throw some major heat and you wont need that in a shorter plant grow.


Well-Known Member
I found small spaces can have it's own troubles. heat build-up, moving around plants if you wanna work on the ones in the back etc. I like the flexibilty of having room if it's not a problem. I also would like to have fewer larger plants as opposed to a higher number of smaller plants (legal reasons).
I mean, how would you fit 3 or 4 4foot bushy plants in a cabinet unless the cabinet was the size of a small room.
I don't sell anything, but I like to burn and I like to burn with my friends.
Also my grow room is now at a friends house who grows for medical reasons. He has a big house but limited knowledge and limited physical ability. He doesn't use the basement (for obvious reasons if you knew him) and we worked out a deal. I pay and take care of everything and I get a cut. He used to be all doped up on "legal drugs" to control his pain but know he does nothing but top-notch bud. His mental outlook is much better now that he is off the "legal drugs" too.
We have experimented with a few different ways of growing and our latest endevour is trying to have 'everlasting bud'. meaning we will will put 1 plant in the flowering room every week. pretty soon it should work out where every week we put a plant in and take a plant out.
Seem reasonable?
that way we have about 8-10 plants in flowering at any given time.
We were also think of vegging them larger and putting one in every 2 weeks so we only have 4 or 5 in at any given time (but larger plants).
I doubt we could do it like that in a cabinet.

Puff puff pass,

PS I used to grow in a small space before my buddy suggested I set him up. He got tired of buying the good bud and I could only smoke so much with him (I grew in a small space!) I wasn't the one who sold it to him BTW. If I had extra I would let him have it. But I only grew 1 or 2 plants at a time. Shit, I had to stretch it to make it last to the next harvest and even then I couldn't do it!


Uses the Rollitup profile
If you want a perpetual harvest, you must have 2 separate rooms, the large 1 at 12/12 and the other on 18/6. Especially if you want to veg them longer.

For lighting, just figure a 4x4 area for each lamp.

HTH :mrgreen: