2 400s vs. 1 600 hps


Active Member
Ineed something cleared up. I was wondering if someone could tell me the diffrence between using a single 600W hps or using 2 400w hps. Is it just a matter f light penetration? Which would be the best for growing my meds? I found a great deal on lights. www.insidesun.com They have 400w hps complete for $99 plus ship.
Along the same lines how bout using 4 400watters instead of 2 600s? Thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
A 400W light is best suited for a 3x3 space and a 600 is best suited for 4x4. The 600 not only covers more square footage but it penetrates a canopy better than a 400. Better penetration means you can grow taller plants. If it were me, I'd go with the two 600's.


Well-Known Member
if your room is not square than benafits wouldd come... say like 3x6 i would put 2 400s =24sqft.... 5x5-25sqft i would use 1 stronger light

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I use two of my old 400s now and I have two new 600 lumitecks laying in the floor.My 600s were too hot for my 6x6 room plus they ran my fuckin electric bill sky high I have fans and AC and all that shit uses juice

Brick Top

New Member
Primary light (no natural light) coverages for the different grow light wattages are as follows.
  • 100 watt lights: 1.5FT x 1.5FT growing area
  • 150/175 watt lights: 2FT x 2FT growing area
  • 250 watt lights: 3FT x 3FT growing area
  • 400 watt lights: 5FT x 5FT growing area
  • 600 watt lights: 6FT x 6FT growing area
  • 1000 watt lights: 8FT x 8FT growing area

You may want to reconsider dealing with InsideSun. In the past I purchased several grow lights from them, both in a single purchase, and did not receive what I ordered and instead was sent a pair of lower grade models of the same wattage that were less expensive.

When I called and said what I received and asked what steps to take to exchange them for what I had ordered and paid for and I was told there wasn’t really any difference between the lights I ordered and what I was sent so I should just keep them.

I said I would still prefer what I ordered and was then given a story of how since my order was placed what I had ordered had sold out and it would be an extended period of time before new stock would arrive so I could pick from keeping what I received or sending back what I received and waiting a unspecified period of time. It may be true that what I ordered was then out of stock and may have taken a while for re-stocking, I just do not know for sure but what followed made me question the validity of the story.
Since I was in somewhat of a bind at the time I first said I would keep the lower grade lights but then asked for the difference in price to be refunded and I was told no refund for the difference would be made.

Then being a bit perturbed, being in a bind or not, I said I would then prefer to return the lights for a full refund and after some rather nasty words from the InsideSun employee, including a few expletives that would make a drunk Marine blush, I was told there would be no refunds made of any kind for any reason and if I sent back my lights they would simply keep them and I would be out the money.
I figured my next step would be to contact my bank and explain how I ordered something and was sent something cheaper that I did not want etc. and see about getting my money back but my error had been to use my debit card instead of my credit card and unlike credit cards debit card charges cannot be stopped or disputed and refunded.

Plus after thinking about how I was spoken to I was not sure that if I pressed the matter with InsideSun the people at InsideSun might not take some other steps or actions I would not appreciate like informing certain people I would prefer to not have any clue as to what I was up to about my purchase and possibly hint about possible illegal uses of the items so I dropped the whole thing and kept and used what was sent and then later upgraded using a different company.
I may be the single person in the entire world who has had a distasteful experience with InsideSun so you will have to decide for yourself as to if you do or do not want to do business with them but since you mentioned them I felt it might be nice to share my experience with you so you could then possibly factor it into your decision.
There are any number of quality businesses to do business with so possibly you may care to search a bit more and see if you can find another deal that lights you up, no pun intended, and if so go with it and if not then go with your original plans and hopefully you will have a much more satisfying experience than I did.