2 days into flowering can I transplant ?


I noticed the roots sticking out the top of the soil on my 3 plants I'm 2 days into flowering I was wondering if I can transplant them to bigger pots I've grown before so I dont need advice on how to transplant all I need to know is can I transplant 2 days into flowering? Thank you guys



Well-Known Member
Yes do it right away but with plants that size I wouldnt bother.
If thats random seed Id be keeping a eye on the middle one to make sure its not male.


Yes do it right away but with plants that size I wouldnt bother.
If thats random seed Id be keeping a eye on the middle one to make sure its not male.
Why do u think it could be male ? Also I have 3 others but vegging also what if the plant gets root bound ?


The one on ge right doesn't actually have any fan leaves due to a lighting accident it's all branches from where they grow out at the nodes and middle one is topped left one has same amout of nodes but smaller

Afgan King

Well-Known Member
I noticed the roots sticking out the top of the soil on my 3 plants I'm 2 days into flowering I was wondering if I can transplant them to bigger pots I've grown before so I dont need advice on how to transplant all I need to know is can I transplant 2 days into flowering? Thank you guys
Ya grab some mycos from the grow store if possible it says mycos it's a black bag put it in new soil on top when you place plants in the cover up. Just want it on the root zone will help with any stress at all and should stop and stunting of growth that would happen