2 days of rain. Flowering week 7


Well-Known Member
So I have plants in week 7/8 of flowering. and Thursday and Friday we are getting rain all day.. mold and bud rot.. should I harvest? Or take a chance with two days of rain?


Active Member
Pics of buds/cola's?
Well I certainly wouldn't harvest before Wednesday lol. Depends, is your grow close enough that you could get any fans going? Moving air helps a ton. Also if close, could you not move them indoor or put a make shift covering above them? I've had to chop early bc budrot and though the herb still got me high, man I wish it would've gotten to mature.

What's humidity forecast sat-monday? What is it expected to be from now till Wednesday before the expected rain?

If RH is gonna be 60% or less before and after, absolutely wait and do what you can to mitigate direct rain.


Well-Known Member
Feeling you guys like I've done 3 summer outdoors this is the problem with them with the uks climate
Near October you get rainy cold days and the buds are big
Even greenhouse would need a fan in there if its possible keep the air moving


Well-Known Member
It's an outdoor grow. One plant will be ready to harvest. The other one is more sativa dominant. Then there's 45 clones that are almost ready but like a week away. The 45 clones will be used to make cartridges. I can protect the sativa but the 45 clones will have no protection


Well-Known Member
Agreed with the above. Still a few weeks to go by the looks of it. I’m perpetually in the same situation. Have 6 plants outdoor and I’m in Texas for 5 days for work, so no eyes on ‘em. I’ll have to thoroughly inspect them all when I get home. This time of year and stage of growth, PM is a legit, constant battle. If you can hold on, you’ll be super glad you did. GL!!!


Well-Known Member
You went with the wrong strain for england outdoors.you will never finish a sativa last month when buds are compact rains all the time....
But what the guy above said it barley started flowering


Well-Known Member
So I have plants in week 7/8 of flowering. and Thursday and Friday we are getting rain all day.. mold and bud rot.. should I harvest? Or take a chance with two days of rain?
Iam in so maine we dont have 2 days of rain coming? slim chance of a few showers thur, thats it thru next week.