2 deaths in one week.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna miss them so much. My grandfather's uncle that was 94 years old passed away yesterday morning, and his wife of 86 years old passed away the 4th of june. When i was very little about 2 years old, mom and dad stopped by their house and i pitched a fit wanting his wife to get me out of the car. She got me out and held my hand and walked me inside. I was always very shy, but around them i wasn't.

When i got older, he would trust me using his tools, driving his truck whatever else when he wouldn't even allow his own grandkids to use them. Ever since i was just barely big enough to reach the clutch/brake on the riding mower i would do work for him (my grandpa and granny would as well) and wouldn't charge him a dime when his own grandkids would charge him mow his front and back lawn..

one day i was cleaning out his shop and way back in the back, i found a burlap sack filled with old, old money. Stacks of money and jars full of coins...It was money that he thought someone stole many years ago, i knew this so i ran it down to the house and said look at what i found took... Who would do that?

I just recently like 3 years ago started taking money from him for doing all this work because one day when i got home i found a $50 bill stuck in my pocket where he snuck it in there when i wasn't paying attention, and plus my grandparents were needing the money so i would take it and give what i made to my grandparents.

He would randomly call me to ride to the store with him even if it was just to get a pack of gum. We would go to captain d's to eat occasionally.

He would tell me that if he was a little younger and if those $million homes wasn't there (homes that approached this property by a developer trying to buy up all the land around here) me and him would set up a still back near creek. His dad and him was big moonshiners back in the day selling to some of the biggest gangsters. Al-capone was a big customer and would use the cabin to hideout for a few days. His dad was a legit badass!

When his wife died on the 4th, i had a dream that me, my other uncle that died a few years ago, my aunt that had died late last year and the wife (the one that died on the 4th) were on a boat in this lake and my uncle was rowing the boat and when we we got far out where we could see no land my uncle said "this is far as you can go" and he pushed me out of the boat and i woke up. That morning i found out that the wife had died.

Yesterday i had to take my granny to the doctor and i was outside in the truck on the phone looking at youtube videos when all of a sudden i had this bad, bad feeling. I became very nervous like and started to think about this uncle. I called my brother and told my brother about that i had a bad feeling. We talked for a few mins and hung up. About 10mins goes by when the phone rings and it was my brother calling me... I immediately knew what it was about... My brother told me that the uncle died 30 mins ago. I felt it!!!

I cried in the truck. Then allowed my tears to dry so my granny wouldn't see me cry. When i got home, i walked into my bedroom and cried some more. I allowed my tears to dry up and eyes to clear before anyone could see me crying. Cried last night in bed. Been thinking about him all day so i walked down to the barn and hopped on his tractor and cried and cried and cried and cried and cried.

His family will never know how much they both meant to me. He will always be grandpa to me. I will miss the random visits. the sound of his truck coming down the driveway. Coming home and seeing him out in the field bush hogging or turning over/plowing the gardens on the tractor.. Seeing him in his straw hat.

Fucking shit man!!!
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I'm gonna miss them so much. My grandfather's uncle that was 94 years old passed away yesterday morning, and his wife of 86 years old passed away the 4th of june. When i was very little about 2 years old, mom and dad stopped by their house and i pitched a fit wanting his wife to get me out of the car. She got me out and held my hand and walked me inside. I was always very shy, but around them i wasn't.

When i got older, he would trust me using his tools, driving his truck whatever else when he wouldn't even allow his own grandkids to use them. Ever since i was just barely big enough to reach the clutch/brake on the riding mower i would do work for him (my grandpa and granny would as well) and wouldn't charge him a dime when his own grandkids would charge him mow his front and back lawn..

one day i was cleaning out his shop and way back in the back, i found a burlap sack filled with old, old money. Stacks of money and jars full of coins...It was money that he thought someone stole many years ago, i knew this so i ran it down to the house and said look at what i found took... Who would do that?

I just recently like 3 years ago started taking money from him for doing all this work because one day when i got home i found a $50 bill stuck in my pocket where he snuck it in there when i wasn't paying attention, and plus my grandparents were needing the money so i would take it and give what i made to my grandparents.

He would randomly call me to ride to the store with him even if it was just to get a pack of gum. We would go to captain d's to eat occasionally.

He would tell me that if he was a little younger and if those $million homes wasn't there (homes that approached this property by a developer trying to buy up all the land around here) me and him would set up a still back near creek. His dad and him was big moonshiners back in the day selling to some of the biggest gangsters. Al-capone was a big customer and would use the cabin to hideout for a few days. His dad was a legit badass!

When his wife died on the 4th, i had a dream that me, my other uncle that died a few years ago, my aunt that had died late last year and the wife (the one that died on the 4th) were on a boat in this lake and my uncle was rowing the boat and when we we got far out where we could see no land my uncle said "this is far as you can go" and he pushed me out of the boat and i woke up. That morning i found out that the wife had died.

Yesterday i had to take my granny to the doctor and i was outside in the truck on the phone looking at youtube videos when all of a sudden i had this bad, bad feeling. I became very nervous like and started to think about this uncle. I called my brother and told my brother about that i had a bad feeling. We talked for a few mins and hung up. About 10mins goes by when the phone rings and it was my brother calling me... I immediately knew what it was about... My brother told me that the uncle died 30 mins ago. I felt it!!!

I cried in the truck. Then allowed my tears to dry so my granny wouldn't see me cry. When i got home, i walked into my bedroom and cried some more. I allowed my tears to dry up and eyes to clear before anyone could see me crying. Cried last night in bed. Been thinking about him all day so i walked down to the barn and hopped on his tractor and cried and cried and cried and cried and cried.

His family will never know how much they both meant to me. He will always be grandpa to me. I will miss the random visits. the sound of his truck coming down the driveway. Coming home and seeing him out in the field bush hogging or turning over/plowing the gardens on the tractor.. Seeing him in his straw hat.

Fucking shit man!!!
what a wonderfully emotional, heartfelt and honest post. So refreshing
Hey my brother. I've dealt with a lot of death in my life. When I was a young teen, my first experience was an uncle who was a Vietnam vet who died of cancer at a very young age. Then my other aunt, also young died of cancer. In my early 20's my grandma in her 70's died of Parkinson's. That one wasn't as bad because we had to watch her deteriorate over time and she was bed ridden for maybe 6 months. After she passed, my otherwise healthy grandfather in his 70s grieved and was diagnosed with cancer. He died within a year. Couldn't handle the treatments. Then my seemingly healthy father died suddenly of an aneurism in ealry 2000s He was 61-62. Within a week, his mom, my grandma passed. She wasn't in the best of health. But, it was unexpected, I am sure grief was a contributing factor. A few years ago my mom died. Between all of this happening, I have had many other aunts and uncles to die. All before I was even 50. I only have a hand full left. When we talk, it usually includes those who have moved on. Not with greet sadness, but smiles and wonderful memories.

Anyway, not to trump your story. Just saying. You kinda begin to understand that death is a transition. All of my loved ones still live on. They were good people who gave me cherished memories. They will live on in the memories of us that loved them. Their bodies just got tired. Someday it will be our time to move on as well. Let's try and leave this world having given cherished memories to out younger ones and we too shall live on too.

My condolences brother.
It sucks really, really bad. No matter how much you prepare yourself, you're never prepared when it happens. It all happens so quick. He went into the hospital about 6 weeks ago because he suddenly went blind and had a really bad headache. He had a tumor on his brain which they shrunk small enough to give him his eyesight back. While in the hospital his wife fell and broke her leg which required surgery. They both was sent to rehab and was in the same room together with their beds pushed up almost against one another. While in the hospital, the wife found out she had lung and bone cancer, but was curable.

The family got together and fixed their home up so it would be easier for them. The had a lift installed so they could get them out of bed, but it was a week late before getting in installed. They finally got to come home. He got his daughter to call my grandpa to come bring him a chew of tobacco. When grandpa got there he was sitting up in the chair getting ready to watch the race on tv. Two days later he was sent back to the hospital because he was coughing all day. They feared his lungs was filling up was liquid so they sent him to the hospital. Two days later (the 4th), his wife that my grandmother just talked to died early in the morning hours.

They brought him home and told them that she had died. He puckered his lips and cried. The 8th was his 92nd birthday and he died on the 9th.
It sucks really, really bad. No matter how much you prepare yourself, you're never prepared when it happens. It all happens so quick. He went into the hospital about 6 weeks ago because he suddenly went blind and had a really bad headache. He had a tumor on his brain which they shrunk small enough to give him his eyesight back. While in the hospital his wife fell and broke her leg which required surgery. They both was sent to rehab and was in the same room together with their beds pushed up almost against one another. While in the hospital, the wife found out she had lung and bone cancer, but was curable.

The family got together and fixed their home up so it would be easier for them. The had a lift installed so they could get them out of bed, but it was a week late before getting in installed. They finally got to come home. He got his daughter to call my grandpa to come bring him a chew of tobacco. When grandpa got there he was sitting up in the chair getting ready to watch the race on tv. Two days later he was sent back to the hospital because he was coughing all day. They feared his lungs was filling up was liquid so they sent him to the hospital. Two days later (the 4th), his wife that my grandmother just talked to died early in the morning hours.

They brought him home and told them that she had died. He puckered his lips and cried. The 8th was his 92nd birthday and he died on the 9th.

Its very therapeutic to write out your story bro. Stay healthy.
It's a good thing to have good memories of loved ones who are no longer with us.
I think its our way of keeping them alive in our hearts. Treasure your memories of your loved ones. Maybe soon he'll come to you in a dream. I remember the first time I dreamed of my father a short time after his passing. He was young and healthy and every dream since then he's always young and healthy and that's the way I like to remember him. I must say that your story brought a tear to my eye !
It's a good thing to have good memories of loved ones who are no longer with us.
I think its our way of keeping them alive in our hearts. Treasure your memories of your loved ones. Maybe soon he'll come to you in a dream. I remember the first time I dreamed of my father a short time after his passing. He was young and healthy and every dream since then he's always young and healthy and that's the way I like to remember him. I must say that your story brought a tear to my eye !

A very crazy couple of things happened yesterday that i would like an explanation for. If you don't believe me, i don't care and this is the gods honest truth. Yesterday i walked down to his house in the mid-afternoon ask the daughter about could i have one of his straw hats. While i was there the phone rung. The daughter picked up phone and looked at the caller id and the expression on her face i'll never forget. She turned the phone towards me to show me the caller id and it was the home number with her fathers name...

Imagine sitting on the sofa and your phone rings. On the caller ID, it's your own home phone number with your name above it... Thats what happened!! she picked up and it was just a dial tone. What could cause this?

Another thing. Last Night out on the porch to throw out the leftovers for the wildlife.. This was about 12ish when i seen the whole inside of the barn where the tractors and other equipment were was lite up like day. Half of the barn is an open front, so i thought some SOB was helping themselves to his stuff. So i grabbed my pistol and snuck down there and as i round the corner the light went out, so i ran the last 20ft and shined my spot light in the barn and no one was in there. I looked all over and no one was there..

Last night about 3am as i was laying in bed, just have turned off netflix and orange is the new black. I started tearing up again when all of a sudden a lightning bug (1 firefly) just started twinkling in my room. I watched it to i fell asleep.

All three things that happened yesterday was odd. Maybe it was someone in the barn that spotted me coming and ran off. Maybe the lighting bug came in the house when i was throwing out the leftovers. Maybe something is wrong with that phone, but it just freakin' crazy all that happened in one day considering what has happened!

Sorry if none of this makes sense becayse i had a few to drink. Not many but i'm feeling good.
Chill out shit happens people die don't matter how close you are my dad died when I was 16 my best friend killed himself at 14 and many many more. Just got to deal with it life can suck if you dwell on the morbid shit you are going to die make the best out of life till then. bongsmilie
A very crazy couple of things happened yesterday that i would like an explanation for. If you don't believe me, i don't care and this is the gods honest truth. Yesterday i walked down to his house in the mid-afternoon ask the daughter about could i have one of his straw hats. While i was there the phone rung. The daughter picked up phone and looked at the caller id and the expression on her face i'll never forget. She turned the phone towards me to show me the caller id and it was the home number with her fathers name...

Imagine sitting on the sofa and your phone rings. On the caller ID, it's your own home phone number with your name above it... Thats what happened!! she picked up and it was just a dial tone. What could cause this?

Another thing. Last Night out on the porch to throw out the leftovers for the wildlife.. This was about 12ish when i seen the whole inside of the barn where the tractors and other equipment were was lite up like day. Half of the barn is an open front, so i thought some SOB was helping themselves to his stuff. So i grabbed my pistol and snuck down there and as i round the corner the light went out, so i ran the last 20ft and shined my spot light in the barn and no one was in there. I looked all over and no one was there..

Last night about 3am as i was laying in bed, just have turned off netflix and orange is the new black. I started tearing up again when all of a sudden a lightning bug (1 firefly) just started twinkling in my room. I watched it to i fell asleep.

All three things that happened yesterday was odd. Maybe it was someone in the barn that spotted me coming and ran off. Maybe the lighting bug came in the house when i was throwing out the leftovers. Maybe something is wrong with that phone, but it just freakin' crazy all that happened in one day considering what has happened!

Sorry if none of this makes sense becayse i had a few to drink. Not many but i'm feeling good.
Hes in the grave trying to call dig him up!!!
Damn... They haven't been dead for that long and there's already people in the young 20's peeking in the windows of his detached garage, his home and at the barn. I snuck up on them and told them "it's a very bad idea if y'all are scouting the place out..."Sir, sir, sir we're just looking for our dog" ...... "well i can tell you right now that you dog ain't in the sealed up garage and that house. Better get your asses on out of here, and if y'all are thinking of coming back when it's dark, that would be a VERY bad idea!" ... "yes sir!"

Just no respect for the dead.
I know how you feel. People dropping like flies. I lose people to world and not natural causes.

I've lost a lot of friends as well to no natural causes. Just lost one late last year i lost one because a teenager shot my friend in the chest point blank with a shotgun... Blew his heart out!
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