2 friends first time grow, worth it to go bubble?

My californian friend just found out that his medical card is valid in our state (MI) so we've decided to put a lil something together. This will be the first time for both of us.

We had a few questions.

We don't have to hide it that much, so we decided to go hydro.

Although we can buy a system, we would like to build it as long as it isn't too complicated. Building a DWC bucket looks really easy, but bubbleponics seems a bit harder. I wouldn't be against just buying a SH bubbleponics system.

anyways, the questions.

1) How much of a gain is bubbleponics going to give us over DWC?
2) Is ebb and flow better than DWC? In terms of yeilds, if we were going to be working with the same space.
3) How much faster is hydro?
4) People say hydro doesnt tase as good as soil, unless you know what your doing. What do you have to do to get a good taste?

PS. I am a member of other grow sites, but I think this site has a great community and tons of knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Here's my 2 cents:

I start my plants in the SH Bubbleponics system(which is an easy way to start your plants, from seedling to early veg)then I transfer the plants(with nets)into 3.5 gal bucket with an airstone for the balance of the grow.
It's probably the easiest way to learn hydro, plus you can build your own for a few bucks.
Good luck!

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Hydro is definitely the way to go. It's much faster and the grower has complete control. A DWC bucket is very simple to make and you can easily duplicate the Stealth Hydro setup too. I built my own bubbleponics system, you can see a list of the materials I used if you come check out my grow. The link is in my sig. Good luck!


New Member
ya deff build ur own dont buy a SH one...cus u can make the same thing for prob half the price ....total i probably spent like 80 to 100 on my whole setup...besides nutes and lights...but its deff working great for me check out my grow in my sig...mine are only 2 weeks old and look how well they are doing growth wise


Active Member
Thanks both of you guys!

One question

when it comes to airstones how many do you need? It must vary based on tub size right?
I have two 12 inch air stones running in a 6 gal tub. You want as much air in their as possible without causing the roaring bubble(like your boiling water).
You want your tub to look like a giant champange glass when you look down.