2 Hermaphrodites?

I live in the UK and have been growing my two THC Bomb plants for seen weeks. They have just gone into flowering and it looks like the pair of them have both male and female flowers.
IMGP0005.jpgIMGP0006.jpgIMGP0007.jpgIMGP0008.jpgWhat I want to know is:
A)Are they definetly both hermies?
B)If yes then why would they both have gone hermie?
C)Is there anything I can do, like cutting off the pollen sacks?

They seemed really healthy apart from the male flowers. The only problem has been the temperature at night time, on one or two ocasions it has got down to 8 degrees celcius.
I repotted once when the roots started poking out of the bottom of the pot, and now the roots have started poking out of the new bigger pot but i don't want to stress the plants too much and also i want them to stay low and discrete.

Any info will be apreciated,


Well-Known Member
A) Yes
B) Stress or crap seeds
C) Not to sure, never had this problem myself. I know there is some reverse spray you can use not sure if its affective or not if its full hemi. Wait till someone else replys about C as I'm not to sure

Sorry bro


New Member
outside of picking off each & every pollen sack... which can be difficult because you almost have to stand vigil.

recently i stress a few plants in my garden & they busted out some nut sacks.
did some research & found dutch master makes a products called "reverse" for situations like your & mine.
bought some & applied it as directed & no seed formation or future hermies.
i paid $20 for one liter at my hydro store.

appplication : foliar : no dilution at all : put desired amount with no water into a spray bottle : add wetting agent (i used a small drop of dishsoap) : spray immediately on plants : try to use whatever's in spray bottle , disguard leftover : it says to reapply in 10 days, i've seen no seed development or more hermies so i didn't

you need to figure out what caused them to turn. think back over the grow & try to highlight any stress & eliminate that next time.

i've read (and believe) that plant can "store" each stressful event they encounter, even small ones, and the accumulation of said events can eventually trigger hermies.


Well-Known Member
I live in the UK and have been growing my two THC Bomb plants for seen weeks. They have just gone into flowering and it looks like the pair of them have both male and female flowers.
View attachment 1166790View attachment 1166791View attachment 1166796View attachment 1166792What I want to know is:
A)Are they definetly both hermies?
B)If yes then why would they both have gone hermie?
C)Is there anything I can do, like cutting off the pollen sacks?

They seemed really healthy apart from the male flowers. The only problem has been the temperature at night time, on one or two ocasions it has got down to 8 degrees celcius.
I repotted once when the roots started poking out of the bottom of the pot, and now the roots have started poking out of the new bigger pot but i don't want to stress the plants too much and also i want them to stay low and discrete.

Any info will be apreciated,
I don't even see any pistils. Those look like males to me. I wouldn't waste any more energy on them. The choice is yours though. I'm sorry my friend.:cry:

This is a bit off topic but why do so many members from the UK use all caps for their usernames?:confused: