2 hrs before lights out plants get droopy


Well-Known Member
so this is what is going on. the last few nights a few hr's before lights out the plants get alittle saggy now the temps are right the humidity may be a tad high 50% they are waterd. and no not over waterd.DSCF1228.jpgDSCF1229.jpgDSCF1230.jpgI waterd all these ladys today about 8 hrs ago and they were just about bone dry.. i made a over watering mistake once:).. not going too do that again if i cant help it:shock:


Active Member
My plants are droopy when the lights first come on... I think some just like to droop when they feel like it.

Plants look good, keep doing what you're doing


Well-Known Member
How often and how much do you water? You can't over water by the amount you use, but by the frequency of watering.


Well-Known Member
How often and how much do you water? You can't over water by the amount you use, but by the frequency of watering.
its been since last sunday and i waterd today half a finger in the dirt

and they were dry. the fist few times i waterd after i went too the 5 gallon transplant and they never dryed out .. well they did.. but it took a while

so now im watering with a large V-8 bottle maybe half gallon? i like it becasue i poked holes in the lid and it give's me a good controled water with out a big mess.. iwaterd just enough too get a little run off .

useing FF soil with hydro rocks and perlite for a good air ation or drainage.


Well-Known Member
Their just ready to go to bed....or you could be underwatering.What's your light schedule?
light are now 16 rather than 18

. a week or two ago i thought maybe my deformed leaves were from too much light and so i gave them a little rest ill stay 16 till i flower. i had the light on them from just about day one right on top of them a few inches.

Hell i might even drop it a couple more hr in a couple weeks till im at 12 and a few more 3000k light.


Well-Known Member
As long as everything is standing to attention in the morning then I worry not. :-P


Active Member
If your not under watering you should be fine some plants tend to droop closer to lights out from my exp. When lights go back on plants should be looking eroused. I like 18 hrs on never tried 16 I like to give my plants he full 18, during winter I like 24 and vent inside keeps the room nice and toasty. Good luck bro.


Active Member
so this is what is going on. the last few nights a few hr's before lights out the plants get alittle saggy now the temps are right the humidity may be a tad high 50% they are waterd. and no not over waterd.View attachment 2556977View attachment 2556979View attachment 2556981I waterd all these ladys today about 8 hrs ago and they were just about bone dry.. i made a over watering mistake once:).. not going too do that again if i cant help it:shock:
This is very common my friend. Think of it this way. Every night before you go to bed, you start to yawn. This is your body telling you that you are getting less oxygen to the brain and need to rest to reboot so to speak. Your plants are just doing the same thing. They get used to the light schedule and 1 to 2 hours before the lights go out they know it and start to droop. Not every strain does this. But a lot of them do. Hope this helps. Good Luck.....


Well-Known Member
This happens to my plants also, no big deal... Different ones do it on different days, and they are all cloned sisters... No worries...


Active Member
thirsty when they droop or look like there withering all of a sudden, atleast mine do, and when i water before lights go off they wake up in the morning with the leaves spread and looking healthy