2 liter hempy sog or ebb and flow


Well-Known Member
I am currently running an ebb and flow system but it seems like the plants are overwatered or underwatered frequently. I am using Rockwell flock as my medium in 1 gallon pots, 25 under each 600 w. I have seen some posts about 2 liter hempys and wanna give it a try and just hand water them every other day as I do have the time but I am worried about times when I have to go away for periods of up to a week. This is infrequent but happens. Is it possible to flood the 2 liter hempys just on times when I am away or do they require watering from the top down? If this isn't possible I will probably just use my 2l bottles I collected and use them as regular pots to replace my 1 gallons pot. Any advice will be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
If you try to flood a perlite hempy from below, the perlite will float. Seems like this could tip over your plants if they are at all top heavy.

I'm biased... But if you want a garden that you can walk away from care free for 5-7 days if needed, you want to use big ol' pots of rich organic soil.


Well-Known Member
Or you could just use a bucket, a cheap little pond pump, some tubing and a timer to water your hempies while your gone...


Well-Known Member
I don't like big plants because they seem really hard to manage and the result isn't as consistent. I was just going to flood enough to fill the bottom of the the 2 liter as the reservoir would have to be huge to flood anymore than that.