2 months in. Ready to flower. NEED ADVICE.


New at growing. Plants ready to flower. What are YOUR methods of getting your soil indoor plants ready to flower? Do I need to trim the plants? How do I get this started? How often are you watering your plants? We have an 1000watt HPS. They also seem to be burning, it might be nutes or lack of water... how far should the light be from the plants at this stage? Been looking up info online, but I want info straight from the sources of the pros. PLEASE HELP. Pictures attached :)




New at growing. Plants ready to flower. What are YOUR methods of getting your soil indoor plants ready to flower? Do I need to trim the plants? How do I get this started? How often are you watering your plants? We have an 1000watt HPS. They also seem to be burning, it might be nutes or lack of water... how far should the light be from the plants at this stage? Been looking up info online, but I want info straight from the sources of the pros. PLEASE HELP. Pictures attached :)


I'm not really a pro, but the advice that I got from pros was to stress the plants as little as possible. Only trim off dead or dying leaves and don't do an extended (24 hr) dark period prior to flowering. This just stresses the plants.

I can tell you with a 1000 watt light that I keep it as high up as I possibly can. My plants are racing towards it already. A good way to tell if your lamp is high enough is to put your hand where the plant's top is for about 10-15 seconds and see if it starts to feel like you're out in the sun. If it does, the light's too close.
Flush the soil to if you havent done that already if you have fertilizer sprinkled on top see if you can scrape it away and then water with nothing but pure water for a week to flush out fertilizer


Active Member
I can let you know that when you switch to Flower you don't need to water as often as you do during Veg growth; this is according to Cervantes' Grow Bible, which has been an invaluable book to me. You will also need to switch from a Veg Nute to a Flowering Nute- which nutes are you using now? When you switch to Flowering the plant needs more Phosphorus and Potassium and less Nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
I can let you know that when you switch to Flower you don't need to water as often as you do during Veg growth.

I know alot of expert growers who would say the opposite, grow books are nice and all but that doesnt mean they are always right. lol


Well-Known Member
You should deff flush right now. Use a flushing solution. then start 12/12, next water, hit them with a 1/3 grow and 2/3 bloom. Ph it, check temps. its better to run your lights at night so you dont fight the heat. you can also dip them. thats if you really dont want probs in flower when you really cant do as much. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
I can let you know that when you switch to Flower you don't need to water as often as you do during Veg growth.

I know alot of expert growers who would say the opposite, grow books are nice and all but that doesnt mean they are always right. lol
My vote too. Mid-way through flowering, the plant will be X2-X3 it's size. Bigger=water