2 of my 3 outdoor plants flowering really early


Well-Known Member
Im just messing around in the garden got 3 seeds from bag seed germed and planted around mid to late April. I'm in Virginia and the days just keep getting longer yet two of the three plants are already midway through flowering. I first noticed the preflowers beginning of June thought it would revert back to veg but kept growing and now calyxes are starting to swell and pistols are 40 percent red. They're not very big 2 feet tall tops. Now I did top them right before this occurred, doubt that had anything to do with it but who knows. The 3rd plant is still vegging as it should.

Now I'm using MG soil ( I know I know was spur of the moment and just used what was on hand) and it's been outdoors from seed.

One more thing Im pretty sure they were both hermied but I pulled the balls off 3 weeks ago and no sign of growing back the bud actually looks decent nice dense and super sticky. Any ideas of what happened its been super hot this year wondering if heat has sumthin to do with it.

Just thought it was wierd and wondered if anyone had an idea, searched over and over and finally remembered my password to post this thread. I'll try and post some pics when I get to a computer.


Well-Known Member
I guess it coulda been but kinda doubtful like I said I had a bunch of bag seeds prob 5yrs old germed 10 and outta 6 that split only 3 took to the soil. I dunno I guess it's possible though.


Well-Known Member
No I didnt know that I wish I took pics of the sacs cuz there was two pistils comin out. But I pulled em anyway just to be sure coulda been a calyx maybe? So your sayin a Hermied plant will flower sooner regardless of photo period?