2 plants 2 more problems... HELP!!!


Well-Known Member
hey everybody my babys are currently 1 month and 2 weeks old and 3 days i have the under 3 cfls 2 of them are 6500k 42 watt 2700 lumen output and the other is a full light sprectrum reveal 150 watt 1950 lumen output wich puts me at maybe 8.5k lumens i got both of them in 13½ diameter 14½ height pots, not really sure how much gallons that is... Ight i know for sure one of my plants is a female and the other i cant really quie tell yet but i took some pics so im hopin u guys can help me out... The first problem is im growin 2 plants of the same strain (misty) but the female looks different the my other plant, it seems to droop alot while the others leafs stay nice and firm... The other problem is on my female plant again ( im not likin this) on the day i was puttin my bitch in her new pot i lost alot of the soil from the top so the stem showed a yellow part of it that i have never seen is that bad??? and should i fix it??? Sometimes the top of my plants bend to the side wat does this mean???? well heres the pics and the last one is me



Well-Known Member
No answer to your question here, but I'm sure Stephen Colbert would love a copy of that picture of the 4 of you.


Well-Known Member
BUMP well i already put more dirt in my pot for the yellow thing but i have no idea why my plants droop like that i think its because i over wtare them but im still nto sure PLZ post some of your ideas