2 questions about seedlings

New Age United

Well-Known Member
So I've never done hydro and my neighbor is starting his first seedlings in rockwool, just 2 very quick questions, 1: how deep in the rockwool should the seed be sown? These are the round rockwool pods that open up from the side it's not a hole that goes down. 2: how high should the water in the tray be? Should it come right up to the seed or just enough to soak the rockwool? Any help would be appreciated.
Hey I’m far from an expert but just bury it 1/4” down from the top. And I don’t think you want the Rockwool sitting in water let alone submerged up to seed level. The same rules apply to Rockwool as does soil just moist not wet.
So I've never done hydro and my neighbor is starting his first seedlings in rockwool, just 2 very quick questions, 1: how deep in the rockwool should the seed be sown? These are the round rockwool pods that open up from the side it's not a hole that goes down. 2: how high should the water in the tray be? Should it come right up to the seed or just enough to soak the rockwool? Any help would be appreciated.
rapid rooters (peat) are much more forgiving IMO than rockwool.
I use rapid rooters but I suppose the same could be done with rockwool.

I sprout my beans using the paper towel method.

I use a razor blade to split the rapid rooter most of the way in half from top to bottom, leaving one side so I can open it like a book,

I then take the sprout and place it inside the split rapid rooter and close it, then use a twist tie to hold the rapid rooter back together.

Never lost a sprout that way.
I'm sure this has already been discussed hundreds if not thousands of times, but I have no interest in hydro myself, my neighbor is simply put not a greenthumb and he thinks hydro is gonna be easier lmao!!! But I'm trying to help him out cuz hes already wasted a bunch of bought seeds, I will send him the link that you posted so he can read it himself, I've sent him a plethora of links to this site and he just doesnt have the greenthumb so the information doesn't even register with him.
NAU, This is the link I thought I sent.. I must have hit the wrong link..