2 Questions: When to harvest? and What happened here?

Im nearing harvest and its kind of tricky to judge when because I cant see the trich's very well in my 30x eye loop, but I went in to check on them today and noticed this..seeds! It seemed like my plants were all female, do I have straight males somehow? or half male/female plants? so confused. Ill upload the latest (seed) pic and then some from a couple days ago. I really appreciate any help/insight. Thanks


Hermaphodite plants can contain both male and female parts... especially caused under stress or genetic breeding. If you ordered seed as "feminized" chances are they all have a tendency to become male or hermie depending on the conditions given to them..... marijuana is not born a female or male... they choose it as they develop. You can give it conditions favorable to become a female...... however these hermies can pollinate the females and give seed..... which would essentially give you more feminized seeds. Your screwed....... flush when you start seeing about 25% red hair pistil;s........ harvest around 75% red pistils..... thats usually a safe guess when not judging by the trichs.


Well-Known Member
I've bought and grown hundreds of feminized seeds from a dozen sellers. Only had 1 verified hermie in all those.
I personally think the vast majority of hermie scares are something else. Not knowing any more than your post,
I would suggest there was a male or 2 in your starting group. Better chance of that than a hermie from a feminized seed.

Keep us posted. Like where did the beans come from? Were they sold as "feminized"? etc...

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
I'd say def they got pollenated by a male somewhere along the line. By the looks of your pics you've got a long ways to go, wait 'till most of the pistles have turned brown or orange. You buds should look swollen and the leaves may start to turn yellow.
ok the weird thing is, I had some BB Kush, OG Kush, etc seeds that for some reason didnt do well when i put them in some dirt just to get a little stronger before i transplanted into the DWC, but the seeds i ended up using were jush in the corner of a bag, they were what i was left with when the other seeds didnt do well. I am pretty certain that all of the plants were female before, they have the little barb looking female parts at the nodes. So they were really what i call..mystery seeds, for obvious reasons.