2 quick questions!


New Member
hey all

just wanted to ask how long until i should expect to see the stems appear from the soil? and how long til it starts growing leaves?

planted these about 36 hours ago, gave them plenty of water which has absorbed nicely and are getting about 8 to 9 hours of strong sun light

and my second question is about this little trouble maker which seems to be taking forever to germinate, i started if off in a glass of water on friday (02/08/13), the shell split open an i transfered it to paper towel on sunday (04/08/13) but still looks the same today, what should i do with it?

thanks guys


Well-Known Member
steams can be a 1-3 days on average and will have round leaves at first.
after these round leaves will come a false set of leaves.
after that come the true set of leaves.
for the trues, in soil, about a week-10 days.

give it a couple days and if it hasnt popped the shell might be to hard/thick and you can try to VERY GENTLY peel it off but not all the way, just to let the little white tap rout out.

EDIT: that was 3 questions btw


Active Member
get it out the sun until its sprouts and gets its first set off leaves, the sun may be too strong!!!


Well-Known Member
Soil has to be moist, not mud. The soil in those cups is way too wet. Why in sunlight? Seeds don't use light to germinate. When seed cracks open, put it in dirt not paper towel.


New Member
Unfortunately it seems like none of the seeds will make it.. too many silly misstakes I guess :(

gonna get myself a few more and give it another shot in a few weeks when it starts cooling down a bit.. probably too hot for them, it reached 36 deegrees in the spot where I had them!!