2 strains, 1 auto, 2 photo fems. Cant tell for the life of me whats going on with one photo


Active Member
Whats up guys. Back at another run after my mushroom incident and losing my garden...
Everything was transplanted into the bubble ponic sprayer diy that I use 3 weeks ago yesterday so 22 days
All the nutrients and temps are exactly the same the entire time
week 1 just clonex
2week after they were transpanted into the 4 gallon totes to get their root going in the big pots with GH trio 0.5-.8 EC
2.5-3 week big roots add amor si, floralicous plus. EC 1.0

Mephisto auto strawberry hubba (grew before very fast grower)
Ethos Purple punchberry cookies (grew one that was def not an easy grow compared)

GH nutes- amor si (yes screwed my pH at first all good after the first day), GH trio, Floralicous, SG Bennies
Temp 72-78 RH 69%
current EC 1.0
pH 5.8-5.9

One of the Ethos isn't looking right from the start. I thought lack of nitrogen. Hit it with a little clonex upped to 1.2 EC pH still stable. My roots get dirty from the micro and floralicous but it almost looks like rot on all the plant (normal). I added more SG to see if it clears it up before i go the peroxide route.
Can this just be genetics. The same exact plant is next to it. so Im having a hard time trouble shouting. Both of these are moving into a RDWC system so the feed is going to remain the same.

pics to come from the phone
Thanks guys!!