2 week of flowering in ohio


New Member
2nd week of flowering stage in ohio it's 40 degree whether and just want to know how more of the cold Mt plant can take
If the OP is referencing nighttime temperatures, not a constant temperature of 40 degrees, then they will flower. They definitely slow down, but I've had plants finish beautifully with night temps colder than 40 degrees.
They can take freezing temps fine, check out the outdoor threads on this site.
They are amazingly resilient!
This picture was taken a week ago, night time temps had been between 41 and 36 degrees for the last three weeks.
If the plant is only 2 weeks into flowering in mid October, it's never gonna mature before it's killed off by frost.
Even if global warming somehow extends the season a bit, the days are so short that they're not gonna mature much more than they already have.
I don't think I've ever had a plant start flowering in October. Good catch Billy.

I've flowered them through to the end of December under natural lighting, and they did finish, but I did it with a hoop house and a heater(outside temps were in the low 20's to high teens), and towards the end mold became an issue due to lack of air circulation.

It does seem like it could be a long uphill battle with mold and rot, and it would take a lot of effort to get it to finish properly.