2 weeks into flowering-small buds


Well-Known Member
Hey guys my WW is 2 weeks into flower and the buds are small I'm running a 400 hps. My question is..am i on pace or should I be doing something different. Thought about cutting lower branches to focus on top of plant. Any thoughts or suggestions would awesome.



dont change a thing man, just give it time, its frustratingly slow to start, especially if you watching it every day :P


Well-Known Member
If you want airy, underdeveloped "popcorn" buds then leave the lower branches. The stuff makes for good hash material but I would rather concentrate on quality tops.

I would also thin out the leaves a bit, get some light penetration and air circulation. Dont go crazy, just pull a few that are blocking the most light to lower branches.

You will surely get replies that warn of the grave dangers of removing "solar panels" from the plant. You won't hurt it. If you do by removing some leaves and pruning to improve light and air flow, I will be your butler for a YEAR.


Well-Known Member
clean your room. Get your ballast away from the plant you water, preferably off the floor. If that isn't the primary location of the plant, cool, but still your ballast off the floor.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for replies and MYOB I started pruning lower stuff and some fan leaves but I am letting it recover a day or two before I do a tad more pruning. Also Kinetic..I moved it to this room to work on ventilation in grow room but thanks for advice on cleaning my room lol


What your looking for won't happen until week 5-6 my friend. In the first 2 weeks your bud sides pop open as your pictures show. Around week 4 you will notice nice big white hairs covering the sites with a little more growth. Week 5-6 is the target weeks for your buds to stack up and take off like a bat out of hell. Week 7-9 is just the bonus round along with color change and trics turning from clear to milky and amber.
Your girls look just fine, you can't see it now but I'm sure you will pull 6-9 ounces easy so don't stress my friend. The best thing you can do right now as said by OP, pull just the fan leafs off. The bud sites have there own leafs so all your fan leafs are just blocking light. Enjoy your grow!
She looks real healthy man, nice job!
i have heard that people cut off the lower leaves which are getting no light and are an "expense" to the plant, but i'm pretty sure this is only for big plants with lots of branches and leaves.
yours looks real good, wouldnt change anything.
dont forget to flush the last week or two to deprive it of nitrogen and get a better tasting smoke - personal preference there though.