2009 PA outdoor grow!


Active Member
I am starting to gather my matierals im going to need for my grow this year.

I live right off of these train tracks and right off of the train tracks a little bit there is a giant rock wall and on top of this rock wall is just a wall of thorns and then a good piece of flat land. I cut out an area of the thorns for me to go through. basically im the only one thats been there in many years i can tell by the surroundings and how much plants i must go through to get there.

there is plenty space for sunlight and wind to run through.
im going to post pictures tonight of the wall i must climb everytime i want to go check on my plants.

im thinking around 30-40 plants this year hopping to have 15-20 of them female.

let me know what you think of this spot and if im going to run into any dangers along the way such as police since it is so close to train tracks and theyre not amtrack tracks just regular cargo trains.