2010 Grow Journal!! :)


Active Member
Hello and a very Happy New Year to the RIU community!! :bigjoint:

Here I am starting my first grow journal. I have done a couple of grows over the last few years, on a very rookie level. I've probably made every classic mistake but how else to learn.. :-P

I have basically converted a shower into my grow chamber of doom, and it's loaded to produce MANY a bountiful harvest :weed: well thats the idea anyway.

Here's what i'm working with in the Veg Chamber:

- 6 x 45W CFLs
- Ultrasonic Humidifier
- DWC containing 5 x Mystery Bagseed
- 1 x White Rhino in soil
- 1 x supposed Skywalker in soil
- Batch of BuKu and Mako Haze clones
- 1 x Yumboldt 47 seedling
- 1 x Jack Flash #5 seedling

The Rhino and Skywalker are about 2 wks old now. The clones were taken yesterday from an outdoor location, I am really hoping they take well and grow strong! :leaf: I'm keeping the humidifier on them, trying to direct the steam to fall mostly in their direction.

Can't wait to see how this all turns out! :-P I'll update soon as the babies develope. Peace



Active Member
Well there really isn't much to report. I find this stage the most frustrating coz it seems its happening so slow. But in a few weeks.. Growth explosion! :weed:

Hey agentmcfeather tks for stopping by. I'm hoping to make this one my best ever so far! I took a look at what u have going on and u're getting it. We all gotta start somewhere and mistakes only teach u for next time!

I'm open to any comments and constructive criticism. I figure having this journal will help distract me from the "waiting game". I'm counting the days til harvest. Here's some pics, not much difference.

Peace all :joint:



Active Member
That's the thing about growing that I fucking hate the most. If I don't see major growth from day to day I get really annoyed. Patience has never been a friend of mine. I'm kind of balls to the wall until I get what I want so this whole letting nature take it's course thing is kinda lame. Hopefully it gets more "exciting" later on. I'm gonna try and keep at least 1 plant in each growth stage at all times so I have a constant rotation and have something to keep me distracted, but it's difficult since I'd have to be changing lighting schedules at different times. I'm actually doing the grow journal for the same reason. Plus it makes it seem like a more legit hobby if I know other people are doing it too. ;)

Enough rambling, off to smoke. Later man. :)


Active Member
It would appear that my soil seedlings are getting thru the seedling phase and beginning a pleasant increase in growth speed :bigjoint:

I'm also pleased to notice roots growing out the bottom of the rockwool cubes! It is true as i read in Jorge Cervantes' book that clones with thicker stems develope roots a little quicker. The BuKu clone with the thickest stem has the most roots.. I'm a little unsure what is going on with the leaves of my clones, but they're curling and browing?? :sad: Anyone have any idea what this is and how to fix it? I'm hoping its only a minor setback.. I'm not too concerned about the BuKu but the Mako Haze clones are looking scraggly and sad. No roots poking out their rockwool cubes.. but they may yet pull thru!

The five seedlings in my black DWC container-setup are looking ok, not really developing rapidly, but then they are seeds from outdoor stuff i had recently. I'm considering, and more then likely will, pull them out and put them outside and see if they make it. Then i'll put the BuKu clones in there. I want one as a mother tho.. On one hand i'm eager to flower but i'd also like a BuKu mother. Yet i'm lazy about setting up a seperate mother DWC. :wall: Just gotta do what i gotta do i guess. I'm going to end up with a BuKu mother in her own DWC and then veg out the other BuKu clones and flower when they are ready! :-P I also want the Rhino, Jack and Yumboldt as Mothers. I'm going to put the Skywalker outside as soon as i see signs of femininity! I am thinking of doing some LST on the RHino and SKywAlker to get some nice branching going on. The Rhino is looking really good, i've smoked it once before, grown outdoor, and it was incredible! I'm excited for what she's capable of exploding into! :fire:

That's all i got for now. Till next time!

Peace All :bigjoint:



Active Member
I have been a little lazy but i've also been taking pics along the way. My garden is growing and developing nicely. All the clones at this point are fully rooted and looking healthy. I have put all the BuKu clones and one Mako, in the black DWC container. The other random plants are outside and hopefully coming round from any shock. The strongest Burmese Kush clone - in the centre - is thriving! You'll see with the progression in the pics, it is growing like mad! :leaf::leaf::-P Even the MAko Haze clones have pulled through and are making progress.

I attempted the FIM technique on the Skywalker and White Rhino, but can't say if i've done it correctly or not.. I'm hoping for the best. At least they're still alive! ;-) I'm seeing a nitrogen deficiency on the Rhino, but i've fed it a low dose of N fert and she seems ok.

This lot of pictures are actually from the 17th of January. I will upload the next round in the next post to follow.. pretty soon - well thats the plan at least :lol:



Active Member
In the pics below you can see the difference in growth over the last 5 days. Things are moving along nicely. I have topped the Yumbolt 47 and i'm trying some LST on the Jack Flash. The Rhino is coming round from my FIM attempt, i hope.. I took pics of some pre-flower formations i'm seeing on the Skywalker. Looking suspiciously male i'm afraid :sad::?:



Active Member
Here we are 5 days later. Growth has continued steadily. I unfortunately threw out the supposed Skywalker bagseed plant as it turned out to be male. I transplanted some of the Mako clones into larger pots and i've placed some into the upper compartment of my grow area, along with the larger DWC container containing the BuKu clones. So now they're under my 400W HPS, the only downside being that the temp is quite high at about 90 deg. However i have read the BuKu is a heat tolerant plant, and the mother of these clones is outdoors in heat up to 100 deg, which is a good indication of what these girls can handle :-P

I plan to veg them out a little longer until they are a decent size b4 i switch to 12/12. I've got them on 24/0 till then.

Until next time!



Active Member
I have made some changes since last time. I decided that the HPS was too hot for my ladies. And after much research and deliberation i have purchased a 180W LED grow light. It is on its way now! :bigjoint: :eyesmoke:

I moved the White Rhino from the big pot into a DWC container. It hasn't been growing much at all, only slow growth - in comparison to the others in DWC hydro. I haven't been able to get a clear indication of sex from any of the plants from seed (The Jack Flash, Yumbolt 47, and White Rhino). But i'm hoping for girls all round coz the seeds are supposed to be feminized.

I have topped my Jack Flash and its looking like it will form a nice canopy. I also topped the 2 main, highest stems on the Yumbolt 47. The lower branches are slightly under LST as i've tied them with cable-ties/zip-ties. Just to get a little more space between tops. Things are getting rather bushy!



Hey Bud?! Cool looking grow and better than the last time... Good luck. Am still sticking with the Eva seed stable and am trying Monster, Missing and High Level. Good results so far but high temperatures of last 10 days beginning to hurt. Last harvest incredible; dense, delicious, very Sativa from early harvest. Am going to harvest later this time and experiment with slightly amber trichomes, instead of slightly milky! Will be in touch.


Greetings. Nice to hear about your new grow Snowchild. Superb looking plants. Nice and dense, short nodes, indica and fat! Good luck further. See ya...


Thought I would give an update with details about my current grow room and some pics, (hopefully).
Grow details: 3m X 1.2m thermal and pollen insulated custom built growroom. Pure hydroponic system Crestron computer controlled with custom written software. Water 48X per day, ebb and flow using rockwool blocks only in veg stage and rockwool cubes ballasted with large pebbles in flower phase and on mother table, max headroom 1.2m,(sadly). Veg side 6 X 16w Grotubes, height controllable, flowering room 1 X 400w HPS Sunmaster @ 36000 lumens with wing spreader and heat shield. Nutrient E.C. and pH controlled with separate 30l containers for each table segment. Air intake filtered and exhaust to outdoors and controlled via Crestron also. CO2 system operating during light period in flowering room also computer controlled to maintain levels of CO2 even during exhaust cycle. Mother table with separate watering system in veg room for big fat clones!! 3 Tiered closed drying box with extractor fans Crestron controlled on/off for even drying. Some images attached.



Active Member
Hey greenwood, thanks for the words and pics, your last harvest looks like it was a tasty one! I have made some nice adjustments to my grow 'chamber'. I'm going to be trying out LED grow lights for flowering coz i was over the heat issues with my 400W HPS. I've seen great results from other people on RIU and i'm interested to see how i do using hydro. Update with pics coming soon!


Active Member
Oh and just an added word of advice, maybe don't be too liberal with your actual location details.. :peace: who knows, but betta safe than sorry.


Active Member
Update with Pics!

The grow chamber is getting bushy! :mrgreen: I am loving the sight. My veg chamber is doing well, and i have introduced my DWC clones to the new LED flower chamber, as well as 2 Mako Haze clones in soil. I haven't actually switched the LEDs to 12/12 yet, due to a faulty timer not wanting to co-operate. So tomorrow i buy another and then the flowering begins!! :bigjoint: :eyesmoke:

The pics are as follows:

1 & 2 - Yumbolt 47
3 & 4 - Jack Flash #5
5 - White Rhino transferred from soil
6 - Veg chamber group shot
7 - Flower chamber door
8 - Flower chamber 120W + 180W LED
9 & 10 - Burmese Kush clones ScrOG DWC
11 & 12 - Mako Haze clones



Fabulous job Snowchild. Plants uber healthy and LED;s look stunning. Expensive??! Can't wait to see those ladies flowering.... Gonna be dense. Have some samples for you....