2010 summer of bud

Hey all,

Swim plans on a larger crop than he is used to. He plans on germin 1000 seeds and would like to get 150 to 200 mature plants. The area is easily accessible to swim and he is more concerned about deer and rabbits then humans. His q? to all of you is best ways to deter the pesky critters. How to maintain such a large crop with only two ppl. Best way to water many, and swim means many many, plots. Plots will be anywhere from 5 to 20 plants. Also he will be starting these all inside for a month or two and has the lights to support that many lil ones. Roughly 100 of them will be brandname and the rest will be 30% dank bagseed and 70% midgrade seed.

Any comments welcome



Active Member
Im not so knowledgable about the crop growing aspect but i do consider myself an avid hunter and basically applying the antithesis of my strategies would work fairly well, ie: spreading human hair, be it your own or your friends or whomever, frequently urinating in and around the area, that will keep out most of the smarter and more timid species, some of the more brasin ones may require more extravagant measures
Thats the thing my friends is he has used both urine and hair in combo with a pretty strong branch fence and the deer will get in. And the squirrels get under my chickenwire to the seedlings.

They are pretty ballsy around here.



Well-Known Member
fish lines for fencing, you can spray paint the lines a flat black / green to keep the visibility down

6 foot tall fencing for deer I believe


Well-Known Member
u can collect all you urine if u dont want to spend some money, my hydro store sells lupin urine( wolf pee). Ive had personal sucess with my own urine, just make sure its that really really stinky stuff, dont drink alot of water to get it that way. I just held it in and went at my site whenever i visited


Well-Known Member
feed your dog meat and then take it on walks to where you plant your trees and make sure your dog poops in the area and piss all over the area yourself also and go on a hot day and give your dog alot of water and get the smell of people and dogs around the area or i would buy some mountain lion or wolf pee and use fishing string for fencing and if you use chicken wire make sure its rusty or burn it so its not shiny


Active Member
line the area with coffee grounds maybe a stripe an inch or 2 thick around the whole site it may end up beign expensive but it will keep damn near anything with a nose out .
also you can blant briar type berries and or bushes aorund the general area to keep intruders out if you plan on reusing the sight , it might be a worthy investment .

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Bars of soap, liquid fence, animal repellent granular spread. If your doin this commercial style cultivate the natural soil, add a balanced granular fertilizer at beggening of season, apply again along with triple superphosphate when budding starts. Use a product similiar to bonide's garden dust, it contains insecticides and fungicides derived from natural sources. Also think long and hard about irrigation.