2012 outdoor grow,

Hello everyone,

First off sorry I lost all my baby pics on a mem card that was missed placed, or walked away.
These were planted June 15 2012 all were clones except for most of the Ulitmate, they were planted in mid July.

The biggest girls are Wonder Woman, about 12 feet and started to flower 2 weeks to 3 weeks ago.
The next biggest are Train Wreck they stand around 8 to 10 feet, The W Rhyno are just a few inches behind the TW.

NO man made fert was used here, just good old kelp, seaweed, worm casttings, and Batshit. Mixed in with the best compost the city can make.

I will start a spray of sugars within the next week, and its time to net the girls, dont want them to fall apart in the flowering stage.

Stocks are the size of a beer can on the fat girls.

I will repost new pics in the next few weeks. for an update.

Oh due to a stress problem on my last indoor grow I have all kinds of seeds to sell
My family and I went on a trip and the peps I had watching my rooms did something wrong and stressed out 3 plants. well by the time they saw the problem 3 Plants turned Male and fucked all my girls.
so I have Train Wreck- Wonder Woman... WR and Wonder woman. THAI wonder woman, ULTI -Wonder woman...
The seeds I have tested have poped within 2 to 5 days... Seeds were taken JULY 20 2012... I was thinking $10.00 each plus shipping.... Damn seeds cost big time from the makers..

Let me know ok
