2014 low O backyard medical grow


Well-Known Member
HI getting my grow and thread started late this year had a few set backs early and had to restart with fresh seeds.I am growing chem ,Kosher, and 2 tangie.The plants were one inch tall on may fourteenth ,the tangie beans got here late and they were not started until may 21 and were up and growing by the 25th.I also bought a harlequin clone last week it is isolated until I am sure I have it clean and ready to join the others.I have 14 plants total 4 of them in 100 gal tan pots and the rest in 25 gallon geo bags stacked sitting in oil trays.The stacked ones get drug into the garage every night for light dep,they were started on 12 12 thursday.The 100 gal will be full season 2 chem 1 kosher one tangie.I will be topping all but one of the full season plants the one chem I am going to let grow out.Here are some pics from the start till today thanks for checking it out comments welcome.20140628_152119.jpg 20140628_152119.jpg 20140628_152837.jpg 20140628_152837.jpg 20140628_152340.jpg 20140628_152209.jpg 20140628_152119.jpg 20140627_125337.jpg 20140625_152316.jpg 20140516_124854.jpg 20140628_152144.jpg


Well-Known Member
The plant with the flowers is the harlequin.I am getting two more clones and those are charletts webb.Those two will be my high cbd meds.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah man I'm super stoked you started a thread

Looking good,
And those squat big pots are the 100s I'm assuming
Are those "smart pots"?


Well-Known Member
DT thanks and yes those are 100gal squat smarties I like there low profile I am trying to keep things tame and smaller this year because I am in the backyard and not on my 5 acres.I am still going to stink up the whole neighborhood lol,that is why I am light deping 9 to try to break up the smell some the light dep should be done by august 25 and I will have dried and cured meds by the second week of september ,and beat the croptober rush the dispensarys get.Atleast that is the plan you know how life goes but that is what I am shooting for and the other four or five will be done early october it will also help break up the overwhelming trimming in october.Fresno farmer thanks and I bet you guys are cooking down there I have relatives in mariposa and they are flippin hot right now.


Well-Known Member
Oh my! You have a beautiful setup. Question about those 100 gallon pots - will having them so shallow affect how big the plants grow since the roots can't go deep? Have you considered growing sage around the base of the plants to act as air filters for the smell? I've got pineapple sage growing in my garden for that reason. I'm hoping it works lol because I read it does.


Well-Known Member
Krispies yes it will but they grow fine shallow and wide I put one tangie in the the 100gallon and one in the 25s stacked and the one in the 100s is 4 inches taller in two time.Iwill have to give them lots of water once they get big but they will grow fine I am trying to keep them smaller .I have not tried the sage might consider it though.


Well-Known Member
Krispies yes it does and the reason I am keeping them smaller is we almost had a ban intown here people complaining about the smell so the city wants everthing lower than the fence and as respectful to your neighbor as possible lol that wont do shit for the smell .They do not want your plants growing over the fence height so I built a new fence 8 and a half feet tall and went with squat pots.I will still get a killer yield stick around you will see they will bud up big time in the low o sunshine.


Well-Known Member
They dont like the smell. Pffft, put on a mask.

Yeah, it's gonna be like 100 somethin here today. I already dug all my holes and mixed all my soil prior to the heat wave. Dodged a bullet haha. I work in the mornings anyways. Alot easier too funtion at 72 degrees rather than 102 lol.

You nd I should be harvesting our light dep plants around the same time. Of course mine are like 1/4 the size of yours haha. Just enough pot to hold me over til September-Croptober. I am going to try to pull off 2 light dep crops next year. It is just a bitch covering everyday at the same time without fail. But now that I am seeing budsites everywhere, I know it's going to pay off.


Well-Known Member
Fresno it is a bitch to cover every day at the exact same time,I am dragging these into the garage just got started and they are heavy it takes me 11 minutes in the morning and night and I have not had to drag them wet yet.It is ok I get into a routine a five hour energy at 730 am drag the plants out go to work get home back in at 730 at night and they are safe and locked up.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, takes me ten minutes to put th tarp up, two to take it down. I hate putting it up in the hot ass sun. Gonna have to do it in 110 degree heat for the next couple weeks. Hopefully it cools down after this.


Well-Known Member
My town hasn't specifically said anything abput smell or height but I worry about both. There's constant helicopters overhead my house. I think my neighbors would be cool about it but I'm not trying to find out.
I didn't space.mine apart very well either so trying to bend braches and spread them out to keep them short it quickly becoming a problem lol

You drag them in and out of the garage? That's gotta be heavy. Out of curiosity why do you guys put the tarp up amd take it down everyday? Why not just leave it in place?

I plan to stick around and watch your grow. This is my 2nd year and I learned almost everything from you guys. You guys and jorge cervantes ;)


Well-Known Member
@Krspies it is a black out tarp to cover the greenhouse to make 12 hours of dark period. I leave it behind the greenhouse and just pull it over around 5:20 pm and take it off at 10 pm. My plants have been flowering pretty good. It just gets a little humid and hot under the tarp.

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Looking awesome CF, I'm glad your doing a backyard grow thread. I haven't seen anyone run those squat pots, they sound cool.


Well-Known Member
Krspies I dont have to cover they are in the garage with sealed cracks for total blackout.Yes I drag them in and out and yes they are heavy but I am a landscaper and labor is what I do lol , and I am a glutten for punishment.GB thanks!We had a good fourth hope everyone else did hear are some new pics.Plants are doing good I am down one kosher it was a boy had to go.All but one have been topped and they are 50 days old except the two tangie they are only35 days old20140705_131352.jpg20140705_131927.jpg 20140705_131501.jpg 20140705_131750.jpg 20140705_083227.jpg 20140705_083154.jpg 20140705_083036.jpg 20140705_131302.jpg