Active Member
Hey guys just thought I'd show you guys some technique I use to grow weed in sunny spots blending into weeds. Where nobody will suspect. You need little amount of land and wild grass in certain areas. An you find a location make fake trails. So they will think like ohh this is obvious take the trails through something they won't find option 1 Incase the rippers take a path bait it with a trap. Possibly a minor injury trap nothing serious jusr give them a keep out warning or option 2 your choice a warning trap non violent like trip them or something as a warning or option 3 just bend over some suggest on forums. This what your going to need big green pots with a shit ton of holes.Im using a different but best is green next let your plant grow tall enough to grow along side weeds. An use a weed eater to cut it where you only weed one spot to the size of the pot is pictured an you can grow medium size plants. Nobody should realize it budding. Not paying in attention to each area.water early hours most rippers are lazy to be spying usually. You know there lazy so they rip.