Grow Callander 2020
This years grow I have selected the following feminised seeds from AMS Amsterdam seeds - 6 White Widow/ 3 Afghan/ 3 Boarderline Extrm/ 1 Durban poison.
I have postioned a guerilla grow site in the South of England, which is southerly facing and good levels of protection from wind, animals and people. I spent the winter cutting away any branches and shrubs that had grown into the space and dug and composted/ added manure in preparation for the beginning of the session.
I grow on the same site last year but have extended the plot by about a further half meter square, making the plot around 2*2m. My plan for this session is to try to grow many smaller plants and attempt a sort of sea of green approach to maximise the yield of top quality buds.
Seedling Stage
~ 24th March 2020
Set 6 White Widow, 4 Durban Poision, 3 Afghan and 3 Boarderline Extrem seeds (16) to chit in between wet tissue paper.
~ 27th March 2020
Seeds have chitted , but have ended up with 6 White Widow, 1 Durban Poision, 3 Afghan and 3 Borderline Extrem (13) potted chitted seeds into plug trays using home made potting compost and growing on window sill.
~ 9th April 2020
Good level of growth over the past week and roots have started to come out the bottom of the plug cells, potted up seedlings from plug trays into small individual pots, continuing to grow on widow ledge until weather warms slightly.
~ 13th April 2020
Plants responding well with good growth, started hardened plants off outside during the day.
~ 28th April 2020
Plants are starting to really take off in growth and look quite strong, started leaving plants in greenhouse overnight as the weather has improved and risk of frosts have passed. I have now started to feed them with a high N fert but half in general the recommended doesage levels, I will increase this as the plants grow over the next few weeks.
~ 5th May 2020
Plant roots have started to appear through the bottom of the pots, potted plants up to next pot size (but potted 1 up in bigger pot to keep at home

~ 14th - 16th May 2020
All plants have hit the 6 nodes and have entered veg stage, all standing at around 30cm high. At this point, i topped all plants at 5 nodes, giving them time to recover before being repostioned and planted into the outdoor plot. Now feeding fert at full recommended strength.
On the 16th May, I removed all plants apart from 1 White Widow and replanted them in the plot site which I had prepaired the week before, adding more composite and light manure in preparation for the plants going in. I water the plants in with just plain water and erected a wire fence around to stop any animals.
Next stop, vegging!