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Voting machines down in entire PA county of Cambria. They’re offering to “walk” people’s ballots to the courthouse. How convenient

video ^


hey Lemon, if you wanna post from X....do this....instead of x.com change it to twitter.com and it will post....fyi
thank you. I posted the video and it’s from a trump backing profile so I found an article from a democrat website to even it out
I saw that one too, I almost clicked on it too to see, but didn't know if it was just named that, there was a bunch of local looking threads from it too (but again I don't know enough to know if they are actual local ones to that area) but did find one on Newsweek.

Hopefully they have it under control. And hopefully it is not someone purposefully messing with the equipment to screw up our election.

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Several election ballot scanners are currently inoperative at multiple polling locations in Cambria and Bedford County in Pennsylvania.

The Pennsylvania Department of State said that it is in contact with officials in Cambria County to resolve the technical issues.

"Voters are continuing to vote by paper ballot, in accordance with normal operations, while the county resolves the issue with in-precinct scanning," the department wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

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"We are working with the County to resolve this technical matter and remain committed to ensuring a free, fair, safe, and secure election."

Cambria County attorney Ron Repak said that a software malfunction had caused the issue, and that a court order had been filed to extend voting times.

"The Cambria County Board of Election learned early this morning that a software malfunction in the County's Electronic Voting System has prevented voters from scanning their ballots. This should not discourage voters from voting at their voting precincts," he said in a statement, according to local outlet WJAC.

"The Board has filed a Court Order extending the time to vote within Cambria County. No one should be turned away from the polls if they wish to cast their vote.

"Cambria County Board of Elections took measures to have IT specialists called to review the software issue. There is a process in place for issues of this nature. All completed ballots will be accepted, secured, and counted by the Board of Elections."

He added: "The County Board of Elections has express voting machines at precinct locations to continue to allow voting electronically, while still allowing hand ballots to be cast. The County Board of Elections will be continuing to monitor this issue and take any necessary action to ensure that all voters have an opportunity to cast their ballots.

"We thank the community for their patience and support while this issue is rectified. In summary, all votes will be counted and we continue to encourage everyone to vote."

WJAC also reported voting issues on some machines in neighboring Bedford County.

Bedford election officials are reportedly working to fix the affected machines, and are keeping cast ballots in a lock box until they can be tabulated.

Former President Donald Trump won both Cambria County and Bedford County in the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections.

In 2016, he won 67.3 percent of the vote in Cambria County. In 2020, this rose slightly to 68.1 percent.

I haven't checked who owns Newsweek in a while either, so they may be a scam by now. I just didn't see it on AP yet.
On MSNBC they are talking about how Rogan came out for Trump like that is somehow unexpected news. I did not like how the guests they have on just dismissed the marginal impact of all those trigger able young guys. Trump has had constant contact through all forms of media and been leaning into these kids in the most vulnerable ways for their entire lives hard. I wouldn't be so dismissive of what it is that they can bring to the table numbers wise out of them.

Also MSNBC just had a news flash, Russia has made fake bomb/terror threats to multiple districts.

Some background noise in case anyone else is interested in what some YouTube talking heads are saying about the election.

Ive been really enjoying this guys work, he doesn't trigger too much but also knows enough facts to make a difference when he talks with people.

This guy triggers lol, but is a lot better at pushing back when he is being trolled. Which happens a lot because a lot like NPR CSPAN he is like a call in show which attracts them nonstop.

lol was funny to me how it is immediately a tie.

(*edit: I am having a hard time not deleting this video, he has some beef with some other talking head about how he just set his stream up for some friends to be on and bailed while they watched some stupid shit, and now Destiny basically just did the same thing on his streaming of the election.)

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bot farms are up

^bot farm
this thing pops up for about 10min and then drops off, then it pops up again and again....the amounts change but same BS



this is an example of a bot, don't fall for it, Elon and his fuckery right now.....this is under hashtag #USElection, i just came across this
The dodgers won the W.S last election also , just sayen ….
Dodger blue

LOL, yepper. Long time Giants fan. But today, I'm voting blue. The orange color is not my taste.

The last time a Republican candidate for president won with majority of the popular vote was 2004. The RED Sox won the world series that year.

I wonder if Qanon will start some sort of conspiracy theory around this.
The struggle to restore a sense of balance in this country won't end with this election. Regardless who wins it.

So it’s clear that if Trump wins, it will be no time to give up, no time to take more than a short (okay, maybe medium-length) break for a few stiff drinks. We’ll have to fortify ourselves by recalling the wonderful admonition of the great John McCain: It’s always darkest before it turns pitch black. Then back into the fray!

But what if Kamala Harris wins? O happy day! But even then, it won’t really be time for a break. Doing so would be like landing successfully on D-Day and then deciding to take few days off. It doesn’t work that way.

There’s too much work ahead. There is too much uncertainty in front of us. There are too many questions in need of answers.

Will Harris be a successful president? Will the Democratic party become a truly responsible governing party, centrist or liberal in the broad sense of the term? Can the Republican party begin to find its way back from the fetid swamp into which it has plunged? Can our political institutions be strengthened? Can our civic mores be restored? Can conspiracy theories be relegated to the fringe of our national life? Can we once again learn to distinguish lies from truth? More concretely and immediately, can Ukraine win and Putin lose?

One could go on. There will be much to be done. None of it will be easy. So even if we emerge victorious tonight from the low, dishonest decade dominated by Donald Trump, we have a massive task of construction and reconstruction before us.

I'm not a fan of the guys at Bulwark. Many were part of the coalition that brought us the Bush presidencies, the disasters that led to the loss of the US's standing in the world. But they see clearly the threat and they know it won't be over after today.