23 days old with a calcium def. is it time to start adding nutrients?


so my 23 day old train wreck bag seed has started to show signs of a calcium deficiency. i first realized when i noticed the small brown dots on her leaves. so my question is, should i simply just start adding nutes(botanicare:liquid karma and pure blend pro. FFOF soil) or just order some cal mag. i also wanted to know if one can use crushed egg shells. i already crushed them all up, about 3, but i need to know how much i should use to either spread around my soil or dissolve in water(ph at about 6 and distilled) i really don't want to buy cal mag because i have to order it online and that could take a while so please let me
know what i should do. thanks.


New Member
feed veg nute's and see if it get's worse then order some cal mag just in case egg shells wont be efficient


Well-Known Member
What the hell? Those look fine, nice dark green, why do you think you have a Ca problem?

I seriously don't see a problem and wouldn't start screwing with them. Your always gonna have a some blemishes now and then, don't go looking for problems when you have none.


What the hell? Those look fine, nice dark green, why do you think you have a Ca problem?

I seriously don't see a problem and wouldn't start screwing with them. Your always gonna have a some blemishes now and then, don't go looking for problems when you have none.

ok ill trust you for now but...those little dark spots (u cant see very well in the pic) have been spreading and i just noticed are not only on this plant but another one.
so when do you suggest i start adding veg nutes anyway?


Well-Known Member
OK, I looked again and can't see but the slighest browning. Still don't think it's significant but you be the judge.

You can read my grow in my sig to see what I do, basically started at 1/4 strength at about 10 days or so, bump up to 1/2 when they get about the size or a little larger than yours, and by week 4-5 use full strength. So I fert earlier and more often than many but it works for me. Not at all suggesting this is what you need to do.

Actually I think they look darn good for 23 days. I'd be a little hesitant to fert them for a bit myself. They have good color, you don't want to see them getting darker. The growing tips where the new leaves are developing is nice and green too, not pale yellow like is pretty common even with healthy plants. The good green color new growth suggests to me the plant is healthy and has plenty of food for the time being. Anyway this is just my opinion.
They look fine but since we're not in the room with u to see the browning on the leaves I wouldn't take the chance since u said its spreading but if its on another plant as u said then its one of two problems
1the environment
2 the nutes your using
but it's up to u bc like I said were not in the room with u only u know how long it's been happening I'm starting to get darker green leaves like yours but I'm not gunna freak bc I don't know if its the plant maturing or if I need to start using nutrients


Well-Known Member
so my 23 day old train wreck bag seed has started to show signs of a calcium deficiency. i first realized when i noticed the small brown dots on her leaves. so my question is, should i simply just start adding nutes(botanicare:liquid karma and pure blend pro. FFOF soil) or just order some cal mag. i also wanted to know if one can use crushed egg shells. i already crushed them all up, about 3, but i need to know how much i should use to either spread around my soil or dissolve in water(ph at about 6 and distilled) i really don't want to buy cal mag because i have to order it online and that could take a while so please let me
know what i should do. thanks.
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It takes a LOT of egg shells to make a diff., but yes, you may see a Ca., def at 23 days in a Sativa.
I have in mine, but my Ca. def. shows as yellow spotting, not brown.