24 hour darkness period before flowering?


Active Member
I have been lurking around these boards for a month or so now getting information for my first grow, and might i say, i love this place. Some people have suggested turning ligts off for 24 hours before going into a 12/12 flowring cycle. Is there any science behind this? does anyone know if this is a good idea or not? Cheers.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
yea i was wondering the same thing, i heard thats the way to do it but, im still newbie im getting ready to go 12/12 tomrrow if everything goes right tonight....just gotta do one last test run on temps and humidity


Well-Known Member
24 hours of darkness is reputed to stress the plant into flowering more quickly, but it also increases the chances of hermies. Personally, I wouldn't bother.


Well-Known Member
what if you supplement with plenty of immune & stress prevention additives..would that reduce the chance of hermes ?


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I have no idea. All i know is that the transition to flowering should be as stress-free as possible.
he was talking about before harvest, so there would be no chance for hermes as it would have only 72 hours to develop before it was killed. would that not be correct?


Well-Known Member
he was talking about before harvest, so there would be no chance for hermes as it would have only 72 hours to develop before it was killed. would that not be correct?
Right, I get you. I thought he was referring to the topic (24 hour dark before flowering).

I have left plants in the dark at chopping time before. A couple of harvests ago, I chopped half my girls, then got called away before I could finish. The others were in the dark for a couple more days, before I got around to chopping them. One thing I did notice is that they felt a lot more sticky to touch than the earlier ones. I'm not sure whether there was any increase in potency though.

I have heard of a few experienced growers swearing by this method, and others saying it does nothing. I have no opinion, other than the fact it makes them stickier. :-P


Active Member
i typically do 36 hours of darkness prior to flowering. seems to kick em into flowering nicely. and i do 72 hours of darkness before harvesting.

Hidden Dragon

Well-Known Member
i typically do 36 hours of darkness prior to flowering. seems to kick em into flowering nicely. and i do 72 hours of darkness before harvesting.
I agree. I just did a 36 hour dark period before flowering and was pleased with the results. On my next grow, I'll try 48 hours, maybe longer.