2400w Medical Hydro Grow


Active Member
This is a thread to document my 2nd grow. Its main purpose at first will be to provide a place for all of my setup questions to reference so that I don't have to detail my setup/plan in every thread I ask a question.

Second, it will become a grow journal once the plants start growing. I plan to post at least weekly with pictures and problems/successes.

I will be growing in an apartment. Before everyone jumps in and starts saying "don't its too dangerous, landlords/maintenance will come in whenever, etc..." I need to explain. The landlord is a friend. He knows. The unit is on the top floor in the corner, so that the bedroom I will be using shares no walls/ceilings with any other unit, only a unit below. And lastly, Prop 19 failed in CA, so medical growing laws are still intact. Its as safe as apartment grows can get.

With that out of the way, here is the floor plan of the bedroom that I will be growing in. The room itself is 15x9x8. Two feet at the wall with the window are taken up by a built in desk/shelves/drawers. I plan to use this space to store supplies (nutes, testing stuff/etc...) and equipment (ballasts, power strips, etc...). There is a closet that is 7x2 in this room that I plan to use for Vegging. Here is the floor plan I put together in Photoshop:


I plan on Sectioning off the bedroom with 2x4s and panda mylar to create a sealed room within a room. This will be done for a few reasons. First is that I have decided to run 2 1000w lights in my flower room with Large adjust-a-wings. From their own website:


They recommend an area of 2.2m x 1.8m. This translates roughly to 6 ft x 7 ft. So I will be running two of these setups in an area of 12 ft. x 7 ft. The space I have to work with is slightly larger than this, so making a smaller room within the main room will allow me to grow in an optimum space for my reflectors.

The second reason for a room within a room is that I plan to add CO2 at a later date, and this setup will help with that. So here are the plans for the room with and without CO2.


Construction will begin on the room within one week. So for now I am looking for problems with my setup or ideas for improvement. I still need to decide on what size Inline fans to run for both my fans, and am still undecided if I need to add an intake fan instead on relying on a passive intake system. Please don't be shy with your ideas or criticisms

I will post pictures of the construction process as soon as it starts, and then of course when the plants make it into the space in no less than 2 weeks.