240cm x 120cm x 200cm Grow tent - HELP!


New Member
How many plant's will you advised to put in the grow tent? This is my first grow. I want to grow PPP as I want quantity, Student loans etccc need paying.

How much do you think I will yield from each plant?

Also the place it will be will be in a rented place.

I want to use 600WATT (Looking @ this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-240-X-120-X200-Grow-Tent-Hydroponics-Bud-Room-Box-Full-Kits-Fan-Ballast-600W-/380650707799?pt=UK_Baby_Baby_Feeding_Bottle_Warmers_Coolers_LE&hash=item58a08cdb57)

Will it be worth it as rent, and electric would be about £1,500 for 3 month's, Would it be worth doing or Not?