250 watt hps


So i have a 250 watt hps grow light that puts out 33,000 lumen. i have a grow tent that is 22"x36"x63". with mylar on the inside. my question is how fast could i grow 2 plants with this light? im doing the 18/6 light cycle and i start using nutes when they are a little more then 2 weeks old. They are in deepwater culture hydropnics systems. they are kept between 75-80 degrees (there lights shut off at midnight, and turn on at 6. and at night after dark it gets cold and i dont have heat)



Well-Known Member
The light doesn't determine how fast the plant grows. You determine that by providing an optimal environment, and the plant grows as fast as it can.

If you mean fast as in how fast can you get a harvest, that's determined by the strain your growing. In general, your average indica dominant species will be done flowering in 7-8 weeks or so.

If you mean how big can they get before flowering, assume they'll double in size at least in the stretch, so plan when to flower on that.

Good luck!