250W CFL Scrog


Hello, Im new to rollitup and i would like to start here by making a GJ, I started the grow today. And it is like the topic states, a 250W cfl scrog, the area is 2.5sq ft and i will be running White Rhino :leaf: and A.M.S:leaf: fem seeds. Im using soil, and Biobizz nutes.. The seeds are germing in soil, with a glass over it under the 125w veg lamp im using. They say this is the best germ teqnique cuz its 100% :clap: Im giving it a try.. For the moment i only have a CPU fan running in there, but only cuz im waiting for propper ducting wich i will exhaust out a valve.

Iv done the math:idea: and i should have about 6000 lumens per sq ft. Im planning on LST and Supercropping them and maybe some topping. I hope you can share experiences with me as im fairly new to scrog. Iv done months and months of research on scrog and diffrent techniques so im hoping for a succesfull run and max yield as far as it comes to grow are and light:wall:.

Ima put out pictures of the sprouts when that time comes, meanwhile ill try to get to know the ppl on the forums :) While this is growing ima enjoy my previous fruits of labor :bigjoint:
I excited to watch this. I have the same conditions just waiting for my 250W cfl to get here, hopefully it will be here tomorrow. I have two pretty good bagseed plants that have been vegging for about 3 weeks now.


They managed to drag them self out of the dirt finally, and showing some green. I thought they were gonners for a moment but.. They came after i dug them up and put them a but higher.. Ima put out pics when there is something to show :) Hope you subscribe and follow my grow :)


Well-Known Member
Happy to hear dude! I love that moment when they pop out of the ground and you can finally relax knowing they made it :)