250W DR60 Grow


Active Member
So this all just got kicked off recently. I'm a picture kind of guy, I like to take a lot so I will keep this journal updated to the best of my ability.

Here's the setup:

Secret Jardin DR60
HTGSupply Growbright 4" 170 CFM Inline
4" Carbon Filter
250 Watt HPS/MH from HTGSupply (In like 5 days)
Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil
Fox Farm Organic Trio (The common Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom)
x1 Bagseed and x1 either Sour Cream or White Rhino (I honest to goodness can't remember which seed I germed. I'll know for sure soon lol)

Bagseed is on the right.

P.S. Any and all posts to this journal are welcome.



Active Member
Why thank you, lol. It's my first real try at growing, so I'm still learning. If anybody has any tips or advice, or would like to point out something I do wrong, lemme know! That's how ya learn :P


Active Member
Update: I'll add pictures every few days to a week. This Friday comes the 250W from HTGSupply. I'm lucky because I live literally 15 minutes away from a store. I also have a strong feeling that the plant is a DNA Sour Cream, so I will label the thread accordingly. I'll be germing a White Widow in a few days to throw in there with the other two. Peace out!


Active Member
Alrighty, few days later and its finally starting to pick up. And I changed my mind, I think it's a White Rhino haha. But anyways, I'm going to go get my 250W MH/HPS today. Sweet. Bagseed's on right.

P.S. I think I will need to transplant very soon.



Active Member
So I took this picture with my phone because I was too lazy to find the camera. I was gone for a day so the left plant got a little burnt on a tip or two, but no biggie. The new 250W MH/HPS is what did it. I'll be transplanting tomorrow probably.

Edit: I forgot to mention I watered the plants right before I took the picture, So they weren't that perky yet.



Active Member
Alright! Updates... Simple enough, I'll just add one picture. I just finished transplanting about 20 minutes ago. Bagseed is on the left. I also would like to add that this grow has got me nervous. I kind of just jumped right into it, so I hope that my inexperience doesn't ruin this whole grow. I am confident though, and will continue to do what I does! Learn from your mistakes, people!



Well-Known Member
Looks good so far. I use a T5 flourescent in the beginning cause I find that seedlings stretch under the 250 MH bulb I use. Yours look pretty nice so far though! =D


Well-Known Member
Nice setup! Good luck with your grow, I almost went this route before I picked up a DR120W

I'm definitely along for the ride, been thinking about doing a 2 plant aero in one of these


Active Member
Thanks guys! Also, I was just wondering if anybody is able to determine whether the girl on the right is a White Rhino or a Sour Cream. I still can't say positively whether it's a White Rhino or Sour Cream. I feel stupid for having mixed the seeds up, but I dropped them both. I do know for sure that the left plant is bagseed.


Well-Known Member
I would say it is pretty much impossible to tell the difference between the two right now, you will be able to tell by the time they are flowering though, I think.


Hello Luther

Just thought I would come and have a look at your grow. I just harvested my own plant, Buddha's sister from Soma. I used a 250w MH/HPS in a DR60 and got just under 5oz dry!

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Here's a pic of a previous mushroom grow of mine. I think it's a nice picture :P
wow,these look really good.ive been thinking about growing some shrooms but dont know were to start.do you think you could help me get some results like that?the grow looks good too,i like the grow tents,there so neat and clean and you can grow any were with them