28 days in veg and I think betty really is a girl

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I cant tell i dont see any translucent hairs. Or balls! Did u start it from seed?if so i think its to immature to tell!

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Thats not true you will see pistils or pre flowers when the plant is sexually mature thats how u know to change the light when growing from seed! Your looking at the wrong spot your nodes havnt even grown yet its to soon to tell im shure your close tho give it a few weeks


No identifying features as of yet. Treat it like it is a girl and take good care of her for a couple more weeks and fingers crossed!

Have fun and gl!


New Member
A fancy way of doing sexing early is to take a small clone from the mother plant (one you have) setup a micro mini grow room, we're talking 1 cheap 28w CFL no fans, nothing, just a hole for air, and set the timer for the CFL on 12/12 - If you see balls on the clone, it's a male, if you see pistils, it's a female.

This way you can tell if your mother plant is a M or F by sexing the clone as it has the same DNA as the mother plant. This also allows you to stop wasting electricity and your own resources if its a male, an added bonus is that if the clone is a female, it will also allow you to lengthen your vegging time to get more colas and higher yield.