290actual watt heat question

yo how hot would that many actual watts of cfls put off? Also would 3 osicilating fans be able to keep it cool? I would be growing in a closet but the closet doesnt have a door so i can have fresh air circulating through it the whole time but i would probably put like a tarp as the door. So do you think i could keep the closet space fairly cool and also the closet is in my basement and it stays cool down there, it actual gets pretty cold down there. It probably never gets higher then low 60s


Well-Known Member
i have a grow box i have 15 CLF's that add up to 345 watts. with 3 exhaust fans... 2 intake fans and a vent... the box gets to about 83 degrees without some sort of escape for the heat.. the box would get over 100 degrees... in a closet you will need some sort of ventilation and air flow(2 different things)

WIth a 60 degree basement you'll have more of a chance of brining the temps down so i'd just experiment with what works.


Well-Known Member
this is my box made from an old dresser running 382 actual watts with a intake and outtake made from some cheap fans i had laying around stays about 75 never gets above 80 and im sure my box is smaller than your closet you shouldnt have a problem with heat i also have one fan blowing around on the inside