2nd bagseed grow 400whps

This Guy

Active Member
This is my second grow and this time I have a 400w HPS.

6 weeks from germ, 3 weeks flowering useing FFOF and FF nutes and now using molasses every non-nute watering, a little behind on the flowering cause I had to transplant 1.5 weeks into flowering (oops)

So, how do they look? I'm feeling pretty good about this one.



Well-Known Member
they look stretched but healthy, im doing some 12-12 from seed under envoros and much shorter and bushy than yours, did you have light to far away?

This Guy

Active Member
Im not to sure over the streching, my last grow with CFL's with the same bag seed streached the same. I've kept the light between 8"-14" the hole time, I DID veg with the HPS but only to 15" or so before flower. One is 59" the other is 44" and from the same bag.

This Guy

Active Member
I think it is genetics, the last one I did from this bag grew 7.5x its height in flowering. I though it was cause of the CFL's I was useing It was 4.5" when I flowered it in my old box and it got to 34". I hope it stops or i'm gonna have to tie it over like my last one, I though upgradeing to a closet was gonna help but I have my light as high as it will go allready.


Well-Known Member
I think your plants look gorgeous! dont worry about streching just lollipop that shit like lil wayne. Dont know why i said that. But yeah they are very healthy looking. Im doing about the same thing same soil except with a 600 watter. got like lucky number 13 plants going. Mine are 1 month and a week or week and a half. Im still vegging tho, here i'll post a pic. Im growing a few strains a dude i know bred but they dont have names... guess i get to name them that will be fun.

