2nd day LST,27 days veg, how they lookin?


:hump: 1ST attempt on my 1ST grow... started lst 2 days ago

So far counting, I should have atleast 6 more colas from each plant(hopefully)
:) they're getting bigger....

been vegging for 27 days, ff happy frog soil, watered with tap water
150 watt hps and 2 26watt cfls 6500k
will start flowering soon, will switch cfls to 42watt 2700k

Havent used nutes yet, which kind will last me their whole flowering time?
going with fox farm kind though

so, How they looking peeps? :confused:



Well-Known Member
looking good man, i always LST all my plants. been doing that for a long time and will always LST. in about a week man you wanna supercrop it. so all those new colas u got will get all the energy and grow to even out your crop


Active Member
Looks real nice
I love terracotta as I can tell by the color mainly when they need to be watered.
as for nutes, my current lineup
all of them together and the PH kit ran me about $100 but by day two of using them I noticed a huge difference, the color of the leaves is more rich and they're growing an inch a day. This combo is great for all phases of growth and priced at the lower end @ about $20 a quart
Botanicare: Liquid Karma
Sweet Raw
Original Pure Blend Fertilizer
General Hydroponics PH +/-

Check out my grow
looks pretty good,definately looks really healthy.the more it grows just keep tieing it down. im going to lst my 4 babies soon.Im doin a metal halide and cfl with a scrog screen