2nd Grow 1st Journal - 1x Tangerine dream 1x Ice Cream 1x Super lemon haze


Hi guys so I never started a journal last time as never found the site in time so thought it was time to start a grow journal off. Last time I grew pineapple express and was more than pleased. This time i went for a pick and mix so fingers crossed and see how things go.

My set up is in a cupboard that I built, I have a 600w air cooled lamp with fluorescent tubes on the walls for my seedlings. I am soil growing with a special bat mix and will be using canna nutes when I get to that stage.

I planted on friday so this is day 4 and still no sign of life I will upload some pictures of the grow room etc later today hopefully. Has anyone got any tips on these 3 varieties as when I grew my PE i found that they were to be brutally honest "nute sluts" and were very easy. Anyways hope you enjoy bongsmilie