2nd grow, 6 CFL closet grow

This is my 2nd grow and my first grow my plants turned males so lets see how this goes!!

Im using 6 CFL lights putting out 1500 each 25 watts. I also have lights if my plants get to big for this closet I plan on leaving them vag till they are about 8" and than 12/12 them. I hope this works out how I want it to, if you want to check out my other grow I had where my plant turned male here is a link to that!!!

I've learned a decent amount during the time I have started and hope to improve this time around!

now a few pics of the new spot! I still need to put my fan in.

just an update both plants seem it be doing well temps are from 75 - to 81 degrees here are some pics! I have my lights on 20 hours out of the day and water them ever 2 days or so when its hard on top.

so my plants are kinda dry but I've even been watering them twice a day to keep them moist to see if my leaves don't dry out. I don't know why they are turning yellow at the ends and leaves are dying at the bottom?? any help would be appreciated. My temp says its 75 but thats bc that was after lights out for 4 hours its usually 80-81 in the closet with humidity of 30. I think my humidity needs to come up


separated my two plants but they are lacking something my leafs are dying slowly but my plants still look good any help??

alright so temps have been 75 to 81 and humidity at 21 to 31%... but my leafs are still turning hard and brown than dying off. I have cut them off of my decent plant that is now in a bigger pot. Any help would be awesome if anyone looks at this lolol.


sorry if the flash ruined the first 3 photos...

From my other grow I always let them dry out at the top the soil is still moist, worked very well for me in my last grow plants turned male if you want to check it out I think I posted a link up above. I do need to find some nutes I'm going to the hydro store this weekend to buy foxfarm soil and stuff I was in a few weeks ago and spoke to the dude working there and he helped me pick stuff out for "common" house plants.. :P I'm having a N diff right now I just got my fan put in today since I went to the local Walmart and they aren't selling fans since its winter lol.


temps in the 77- 85 I have to keep opening my closet to keep my temps down.. 26 low and 55 high for my humidity Id like to have it at a 40% all the time.. I'd also like a small fan and better soil upgraded lights would be killer as well.. It's either lights or car. hmm
