2nd Grow Carm


Active Member
this is my 2nd grow, I have never started from seed on the indoors, going to ask if this is normal or am I doing something wroing. they will be 3 weeks old tomorrow.

temps run about 78degrees when lights out
82 to 85 degrees when light is on.

humidity is around 45 percent.

any help or advice for a newb



Active Member
strain is Caramelicious
have given M.G. in small amount 2 times until the ones I ordered come in, should be end of the week.

EDIT: only nuted 1 times , didnt mean to hit 2.. and that was after the yellowing.


Active Member
you shouldnt be giving those anything but water especially if youre usig MG soil. its way too hot for seedlings. do a fresh water flush and lay off the nutes


Active Member
I am using FoxFarm soil, light warrior

150 hps and 2 75 watt cfls for light.

is it to much light or not enough, I was thinking that it would be good for them at that amount.
I do not have them to close , maybe not close enough, I have them close enough to where it warms the temp up to about 82 to 85 degrees.

I was also thinking that maybe the new leaves blocked the light some and made them yellow.


Active Member
nah got good room beteween the lights, and the leaves turned b4 I gave them anything.

But I been reading, and I think its the lighting, you all probly know that the HPS gives off fall type lighting, and the other full sun like spring any ways here is a graph I found, so I am going to get 2 more of the Cfl's that I have, they give off the Blue side of the sepc.. and see if that will make a difference.


Active Member
ya bro if you want to post here man go for it, lets do it like that other one, everyone is welcome to show their grow :) if these pick up I will also be in December. been thinking of taking the winter off and start back in spring if these die
so is this our new thread? im subed wamp lets get growing haha im due december then taking a break!


Active Member
I am using FoxFarm soil, light warrior

150 hps and 2 75 watt cfls for light.

is it to much light or not enough, I was thinking that it would be good for them at that amount.
I do not have them to close , maybe not close enough, I have them close enough to where it warms the temp up to about 82 to 85 degrees.

I was also thinking that maybe the new leaves blocked the light some and made them yellow.
leafs not leaves. come on fellas hope im not sounding like a dick but this aint as hard as you make it to be.


Active Member
lol due by hopefully the end of october and i just started my first one plant drip system and was over doing the nutes so i added water to the resiviour so i hope i see a change in her.she dont look to good to me.


Active Member
leafs not leaves, you need to look up the spelling bro, LEAF is a noun, leaves means more than one. I was just sharing ideas with the lighting, sorry
leafs not leaves. come on fellas hope im not sounding like a dick but this aint as hard as you make it to be.


Active Member
I am not nuteing, I gave ONE time, very small amount , AFTER they turned yellow. How many times do you want me to flush them lol, if flushing them hasnt helped then that cant be the answer I dont believe, so to me the chart I posted made sence to me, you put fall type lighting on them, what do plants outside do in the fall, they die, so it made me think different light, more like spring or summer would be better.
dude its not your light. its your soil and you nutes. stop it. flush


Active Member
its the nutes. look at this seedling. 30 days old and still hasnt been given any feedings. it is very healthy and strong. there is enough food in the soil already. querk 10 1.jpgquerk 101.jpg


Active Member
I am not nuteing, I gave ONE time, very small amount , AFTER they turned yellow. How many times do you want me to flush them lol, if flushing them hasnt helped then that cant be the answer I dont believe, so to me the chart I posted made sence to me, you put fall type lighting on them, what do plants outside do in the fall, they die, so it made me think different light, more like spring or summer would be better.
i have been running hps all the way thru so light is not your answer. sorry youre having all these problems so early. good luck


Active Member
ya it does suck to start out with them bad, and thanks for your input, I do understand what you are talking about with the nutes, but like I say , I have flushed them 3 times so there shouldnt be any nutes left, so just going to have to see how they turn out.


Active Member
ya it does suck to start out with them bad, and thanks for your input, I do understand what you are talking about with the nutes, but like I say , I have flushed them 3 times so there shouldnt be any nutes left, so just going to have to see how they turn out.
the damage is done and probably wont repair its self. the new growth is whats going to be green and healthy


Active Member
yup, I feel stupid for not testing with that soil on some bagseed first, that is five of the 10 I paid for. but if ya dont mess up your not trying. thanks bigcheese for all your help.