2nd grow, here we go


New Member
I'm 2 weeks and 5 days into my second grow so far. I started with Mother Earth coco and Gaia Green dry amendments at a 75/25 split between 444 and 284. I'm going to top dress at 30 days (50/50) and at 60 (25/75).

Im growing GSC extreme from ilgm in a 3 gallon, Trizzlers from twenty20 and Forbidden Runtz from Fastbuds in 2 gallon, and GG4 from a bulk vendor in 1 gallon. So far, all I've been using are NFTG Hades Down and Demeters Destiny with my tap water, and they look great. But I'm wondering if theres anything else I could be doing to help them thrive 20220503_051435.jpg20220502_052345.jpg


New Member
Did you use this method (coco with dry amendments) with you last grow?
If so.........was it successful?
Pics would help.
I didnt, last time was a bit of messy goings, what with growing at different times, in different soil mediums, nutrient issues, etc... This is my first grow where everything is germinated at once