2nd hydro, 1st scrog grow (Looking for suggestions, comments feedback etc)


Active Member
Just looking for some feedback since this is my 1st scrog. Does it look right etc? So far I have tried supercropping, and topping. Up to this point, I like the topping method to gt four tops the best. I figured i would try this to see if i cn get a better yeild. Thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
I'd say (from what I've read on here) that the best yield comes from supercropping and topping. If you have limited vertical space then it'd be LST/SCROG.

I'm glad to see you putting it to the test, and I'm interested in seeing how it turns out :)


Active Member
forgot to mention i have tried LST as well. So far I like topping to get four tops> but since the hydro setup i lost alot of vertical space.


Well-Known Member
Your screen needs to be much higher than that, like about 12 inches or so. You can incorporate all of those techniques into a SCROG also, remember you want to grow your plant up as bushy as possible then put it under the screen and grow it into the screen like ivy on a wall sort of. Only you want it to stay under the screen until you flip to flower, once the stretch is over just let it go, no more training is really necessary. If I were you I would do a little more research on SCROG, check out woodsmans thread his scrog is awesome. Good luck and happy growing.


Active Member
im looking at the pics and noticed they are a little hard to see what is going on. The screen is about 8 inches from medium and there are 5 plants. None are above the screen as I have pulled them back under and it seems new shoots are coming up and the plant is widening.

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
you may want the screen up a bit higher to give you more room to work with when you decide to trim up whats under the screen. also i have read about people using 2"x2" "square" holes. you might have a hard time getting your plants through the size holes you have on your screen now. just a little input man. but looks good so far.


Active Member
Thanks I wanted 2x2, but i could only find this. Maybe I should cut some wires to make them bigger. What do you think?

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
to be honest I have no clue about scrog or sog or anything like that lol. im just giving some advice i would use if I was doing a scrog. if you do cut some wires make sure when the plant grows that its not getting cut but any sharp edges. also the metal may cut into the stem/leaves.

take a look at this https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/473547-diy-easy-cheap-scrog.html thread. and look at post number 6.. very good idea.

I'd advise using anything but chicken wire. Of all the options, the chicken wire gives the most complications. I suggest using eye hooks and string (not twine, leaves hairs in ur buds)


Well-Known Member
What I like to do is, leave a comfortable amount of room under the screen, enough to get your hands under the screen to move and manipulate your plant, ( hence the 8 to 12 inches), reference, but ive had my screen as high as 20 inches. I like to use bailing wire to make my own screen, I leave 2x3 inch rectangles. This gives me the ability to move the wires over when i have to, to bring the stems up into different areas. You got it right, if you want to increase yield, scrog is defiantly the way to go if your using a 400 watt hps or cfls. You can then get your whole plant under the light scorce, not just the top. Now, I have seen folks use the chicken wire and do pretty well, but making a frame the size of your grow area, and weaving wire or twine is soooo much better. The idea of the screen is to be able to open your plant up. With chicken wire, you are not going to be in any position to pull the buds down back through and move them over as your plant grows, ( as the plant is growing in flower, I may chance a buds position in the screen 3 or 4 times). you kind of defeating the ability to do this. The previous post about fimming or topping is correct, you want to get that plant bushy, and push a budsite up through each 2x3 opening to make an even canopy of colas. After the first week of flower, I start removing the foliage under the screen, I take my first round of clones from here. I take all the popcorn bud that are growing directly from the stalk between this time and my final removal of foliage, which I do at day 30 of flower. At this time I get any remaining clone s I may want.


Active Member
Thanks very much, this is very usefull info. If this works out, I will make my own screen next time. I didnt realize I would still need to move the plant once it flowers. I thought that after the stretch,I would be done, but what you say makes sense. Thanks again. (I'm using a 600w HPS)
Noob question so is scrog as simple as just placing a mesh type screen above my plants? I've just got to train them through the holes in the screen once they start poling through?


Active Member
I will let you know once I am done with this since it is my 1st time. So far it seems very simple and it appears the plants are doing very well. Check out the link to the Scrog "how to" I posted earlier in this topic
I will let you know once I am done with this since it is my 1st time. So far it seems very simple and it appears the plants are doing very well. Check out the link to the Scrog "how to" I posted earlier in this topic
Read it although it just seems too simple, borderline too good to be true with the increased yield with relatively little extra effort. Just wanted to check I'd read it the right way round!