2nd Season Grower - 2 Weeks In


Well-Known Member
Let me know what you guys think -

Germinated this seed about 2 weeks ago.

Growing in my closet with a single flourescent until it gets warm enough here.

Seed came from a half ounce of kush. Couldn't beleive it when I found it.

excited about my first Indica plant

How's she lookin for a baby :D?


Well-Known Member
Where am I supposed to get clones?

I have a friend who can get them but he said not yet...:-|

What you could do with that one plant is change the 24/7 light cycle to a 16/8 light cycle that way it is more likely to become a female since you only got "1" seed growing.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
What you could do with that one plant is change the 24/7 light cycle to a 16/8 light cycle that way it is more likely to become a female since you only got "1" seed growing.

Yeah and if you plant money it will grow a money tree.

You just grow say 10 or so seeds till they are big enough to take clones off of. Take clones, flower the mothers. Keep track of which clones came from which plants. When the mothers show sex you'll know what clones are females.