2qts every 5 days?


Ok. So I'm growing clones on straight 12/12. So the plants are only goin to be about 18inchs to 2 feet or so. So I'm only useing 2 qt containers. About 3 to 1 mix soil to perlite. I keep checking about 1 inch down and it not wet but its not dry either. So I have given it like 5 days and I water it and it starts coming out the bottem after only about 14 ozs. I'm afraid of over watering so that's why I held off 5 days. But it seems like so little water to me.

So am I just being paranoid? Or does that sound about right to u guys? Not sure if I left anything else out so if u need more info plz tell me. Also using cfls so its not really drying out the top soil to much. Temp in the cabinet is about 80 constent.