2x 90 watt ufo's + 1x 150 watt envirolite.


Well-Known Member
Hi this is my 1st post, in my old diy unit i had 2x 150watt blue cfl s for vegging and 2x 250 watt red cfl's am running a dwc set up with a 5in in line fan pulling through a small can filter and pushing out through 1 small can filter i have 1 4in intake running on a transformer on its lowest setting...3w i think, recently i changed my set up to 2x 90 watt led ufo's and am wanting to add a 150 watt cfl today, only i am unsure weather to add a blue or a red cfl, am vegging at the mo, and i do have a red and a blue 150 to hand i just dont wanna fuck up the spectrum what with the ufo's with an 8/1 ratio of red to blue x2 so i guess thats like 160 red leds and 20 blue leds, should i use a blue 150 cfl as well for vegging or will this be to much blue spectrum, or should i add a red and keep it in there from veg to flower? Please reply asap, ps sorry for caps my keyboard is fukked! Lol ps i will add pics as soon as i work out how to any questions just ask :)


Well-Known Member
Man!!!!!!!!!!! I finally uploaded some pics intomy rollitup album... But when i want to add the to this thread on this page it says i need to enter the pics url? What the hell is a url n how the hell do i find it!??????????? I just wanna show my stuff!!!! Wish i could drag n drop b much easier :) help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
upload directly to thread, a mix of red and blue for flowering and veg is good, how you finding the enviros?


Active Member
Here's a simple rule of thumb for you. Plants only use a portion of the light spectrum...blue to red (sounds like you have that part under control). The bottom line is you can use MH or HPS interchangeably for veg or flower.

I know popular belief says you have a have different lights for different cycles but that's just marketing. The difference after harvesting, in many cases, is negligable.

I know there will be a backlash for what I just said because everywhere I read people swear by MH for veg and HPS for flowering, generally. My only point is, don't worry about the minute details. Give you plants the right spectum of light (red and blue) and they'll be plenty happy.

Whatever you do, don't fall into the marketing trap. Cost does not have a direct relation to quality!!


Well-Known Member
Cool, glad to hear some replies yeah... Cfl envirolites are quite good my very 1st grow budded heavily under them, i just wanted to experiment with the led's, before i take the plunge and go 250 or 400 hps with cooltube... Spent alot of money on lighting was curious as to how good each of them were, as to the other question, i bought the wardrobe from b&q and modified the hell out of it myself, i had a little knowledge before and became friends with a dude at my local hydroponics store who answered most my questions... The rest was down to me with maths n science a hole saw and a whole host of other things... Ps as i am new to this could you view all the pics i added or just the wardrobe front?? Any extra comments thoughts or news would be happilly recieved... :)



Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
I dont know if i uploaded these the right way and i am having difficulty uploading my latest pics to my roll it up album... But at least now you can see my set-up :) hope ya like the pics...... Tlk to me peeps :)


Well-Known Member
I dont know if i uploaded these the right way and i am having difficulty uploading my latest pics to my roll it up album... But at least now you can see my set-up :) hope ya like the pics...... Tlk to me peeps :):weed::clap::weed:


Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell/show me how to clone & how to breed 2 different strains to get my own unique blend ????
Looks pretty good, I might lower all the lights though. i read the leds should be 12-16 awy in veg and 6-8 in flower. I also read w the leds you want to do as you did and get cfls. keep em posted. im thinking about gettin leds but i dont no which one to get


Well-Known Member
Ha finally did it look at my album I updated at last :) 70 odd new pics up to the point of turning to 12/12 :) please check em ou all comments welcome :) when i can be arsed ill add some to this thread :) | Stelthy :)