2x blueberry OG 70Ltr oxypot xL & new hailea hc150a


Well-Known Member
After some time learning about hydroponics & water chillers ect: I finally took the step and ordered a hailea water chiller.
I know there are better water chiller company's out there , but since the hailea is litrully everywhere and reasonably priced I made the plunge and ordered one.

My tank MAX limit is 70LTR but most likely after a few weeks that will drop to 1/2 that amount but still' I didn't want to purchase the smallet hc100a because on recommendations from other's you need to size up a little?

Plus! The hc100a & 130a have a different construction to the 150a resulting in a quieter kick'in & kick'out DB output?

I've been reading that the internal temp probe can sometime give false reading's due to the position placement of the probe? If so can I ' change/upgrade the temp probe?

Any information from other 150a users welcome